any news about trott new site , i couldn't enter his old site , so i don't know how to get his new site link , please write here his new site link when he return back
please , could you upload part 6 in another site like , because i tried to download it 20 time but each time it stopped in the middle , i tried the 2 rapidshare sources , i download all parts with no problem, the torrent is access denied
simple note : you can have 1 premium account with oron and download all you want from trott channel its amazing , i downloaded all i need from it, i don't make adds to his channel , i was following his old blog , and he gives a lot of stuff you won't find it anywhere .
hi , thanks for the course , is this course a continuation to Technical analysis webinars (Darrell Jobman) which was posted before , or new content , are these videos daily webiners or complete course
great work saamy , just to know , are all these videos which in fxstreet site now or some recorded by you but and not in fxstreet site , because i see them all .