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  1. Re: I would like to be a futures traders Yarman, I would be happy to start posting some method that I personally use. My methods revolved around price action and volume, hence I have a little learning curve when it comes to Forex! They have no real consistance vol. I have a few ebooks and video that I can post, but I've just had a baby and things have been pretty busy around here. When I get sometime this weekend I'll try to setup a share online and I will post some ebooks and video on futures. Tony.
  2. Re: Forex Nitty Gritty I'm getting corrupted error message on video #2, #3, and #7. I downloaded it again but it had the same corruption. Tried it a third time but can't seem to download it again since R@pidSh@are told me I hit my limited. :( Anyone else getting this problem?
  3. Re: I would like to be a futures traders Futures is almost a true zero sum game (minus the comission :0). It similar to stocks, but you get much better leverage plus alot of volatility which is a plus for a trader! Patience is the key to the game, likewise money management will be the holy grail that you must search for. No one can teach you those 2 concept except for yourself (IMO)! Successful future traders can make 6-7 figures depending on their account size of course. We take a little chunk out of the market day by day while swimming with the big whales (hedge funds, instituational banks, etc) Plus in the USA you get a good tax advantage trading futures! :)
  4. Re: does anyone offer X_trader for free? Actually, I remember Etrade Futures also had a version called TT Trader which is just a strip down version of X_trader, same company. I used TT Trader before and it's solid like X_trader and use the TT datafeed. Didn't see any differences in the execution speed or platform compared to x_trader. Check it out at etrade's website, you can't tell the differences really.
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