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  1. In all seriousness ALL of the things you asked for, including statistical edge & money management can be found with harmonic trading. Take a look at the Harmonic Auto Trader - this really is the perfect mix of auto and manual trading - the guys developing it are very well respected in the harmonic community. I highly recommend it: http://www.harmonicautotrader.com/ BUT, be prepared to make a commitment to the method and if you have no intentions of doing so then forget about it.
  2. Can anyone give us more detail as to the methods discussed in this ? Thx
  3. yeh description would be nice :)
  4. sorry but could u put a description of what this actually is ? :)
  5. Yeh a description of wot it is would be nice ;)
  6. I know wot the site is - but wot are these videos ? :)
  7. this is awesome , thx ! I noticed u have Vol 1 too - if u could rapidsh@re that too would be appreciated :)
  8. My problem is its showing everything i select as unavailable - no active seeds
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