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  1. Must have for every trader... please reupload fresh working links if possible. Thank you gents/gals :D
  2. Anybody here at II a member of the traderoom. Please share a little of bit experience. Is it worth the price? Thank you.
  3. Please share again. Much appreciated it. Thank you.
  4. Anybody here at II have membership with Phil's trade room? Please share experience. Need to know if it's worth the price in terms of profitability?
  5. Thanks you very much learningfx!!
  6. Re: The more you know, the less you know couldn't agree more with this! KUDOS 4 U Mr. K! (even i can't do it here) that's why newbie can't start alone... need a mentor or a peer group!! =D> =D> =D> Agree with that!! :-bd Kinda off topic here but I mean look at all the world class athletes with amazing natural abilities and skills. No matter how great they are at what they do, all of them have coaches in all aspects of their life. Even the most successful and famous people all have mentors one way or another. So there is absolutely nothing wrong with being not knowing everything. If you stop learning and improving then that's the day you don't exist in this fine world of ours and having fun sleeping in your nice comfortable coffin eternally :)) :)) What I'm saying is be humble and keep learning to develop your skills further by getting mentored and put your ego aside and seek out other people's perspective. You don't what know what you don't know until you find out from another point of view. Good old saying said to keep learning/improving for the rest of your life and look at things at a different angle. Even masters make mistakes. So let go of your ego and trade humbly. May the pip Gods be with us all!! 8-) Cheers :-bd
  7. Re: The Collective FX Any other traders out here who are member that have good success with this broker? Could anybody compare this broker in terms of overall performance for any type of trading styles to other well known establish brokers other than the ones mentioned above on the first post. I don't mind paying monthly subscription fees as long as the broker provides quality, honest consistent value and service. Thanks for any inputs for those who have good and bad experiences. Please provide unbiased opinions. Take care!! :-bd
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