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Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
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30-31 Juli, Jakarta EXPO 2011 telah sukses diselenggarakan di Jakarta Convention Center. Pameran ShowFx Asia kali ini, diikuti oleh perusahaan-perusahaan broker terkrmuka seperti: InstaForex, IKOfx, Monex, dan FIBO Group international financial holding company serta Windsor Brokers investment company. Pameran ini juga dihadiri oleh projek edukasi besar, developer software, perwakilan dari media massa khususnya dibidang ini dan peserta pasar keuangan lainnya. Seperti biasanya, secara keseluruhan pameran ini menawarkan topik-topik dan perkembangan terbaru dalam bidang online-trading yang direpresentasikan pada pameran ini. Setiap orang mempunyai kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi secara formal dengan para profesional-Forex dan juga para perwakilan dari perusahaan-perusahaan keuangan dunia. http://data.showfxworld.com/i/img/expo/IMG_5357.jpg Dalam kegiatan pameran ini, diselenggarakan 10 seminar. Masing-masing seminar sangat populer. Dan akan di isi oleh para pembicara yang dapat memacu kita untuk saling bertukar pendapat dan diskusi yang interaktif. http://data.showfxworld.com/i/img/expo/IMG_5543.jpg Bonus uang dan hadiah menarik akan bisa dimiliki oleh masing-masing pemenang dari 8 kontes yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak penyelenggara dan peserta pameran. Foto dan video pameran di Jakarta, bisa anda lihat diwebsite showfxasia.com http://data.showfxworld.com/i/img/expo/IMG_5765.jpg Pihak adiministrator ShowFx berterima kasih kepada semua partner, peserta dan pengunjung pameran, dan berharap bisa bertemu kembali pada pameran berikutnya di Kiev, Ukraina pada tanggal 23-24 September 2011. Kami akan sangat senang bisa bertemu dengan anda! -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Salam hangat teman, Tinggal beberapa hari lagi pameran keuangan yang menakjubkan, Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo 2011 akan diadakan! Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk bertemu dengan para perwakilan terbaik industri keuangan dunia dan informasi-informasi menarik perihal trading pada pasar keuangan! Raih kesempatan ini: Tanggal 30-31 Juli di Jakarta Convention Center - ShowFx Asia Expo! Kami menunggu anda! biaya masuk, GRATIS! Anda bisa melihat jadwal acara pameran di website resmi ShowFx Asia (http://showfxasia.com/id/jakarta.html). -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Salam hangat teman, ShowFx World mengingatkan kepada anda perihal diadakannya pameran keuangan "Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo 2011" di Jakarta pada tanggal 30-31 Juli. Jakarta Convention Center dipilih sebagai tempat berkumpulnya para perwakilan dari industri keuangan terkemuka. Pada kali ini anda akan mempunyai kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dengan para perwakilan-perwakilan perusahaan seperti InstaForex, IKOFX, Windsor Brokers, Fibo Group, Forex Asia Academy, Kampusforex dan lainnya. Seperti biasanya kita juga akan mengadakan program seminar edukasi. Setiap pengunjung yang hadir bisa melihat seminar dengan pembicara antara lain, Asri Mahmood, Arif Makmur, Choo Koon Lip, Agustinus P. Endrosiwi. Dan juga, Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo 2011 tidak akan hadir tanpa memberikan hadiah-hadiah, bonus dan diskon yang diberikan oleh para pihak penyelenggara dan anggotanya! Bisa dikatakan bahwa pameran internasional ShowFx Asia akan banyak memberikan anda bonus-bonus yang gratis. Jadwal Bus: Keberangkatan bus menuju tempat pameran: Margo City, Depok - 09.30 wib Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta - 10.00 wib Gedung Sate, Bandung - 09.30 wib Keberangkatan bus dari tempat pameran, pukul 18.00 wib Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini: Tanggal 30-31 Juli di Jakarta Convention Center - ShowFx Asia Expo! Kami menunggu anda! biaya masuk, GRATIS! Anda bisa melihat jadwal acara pameran di website resmi ShowFx Asia (http://showfxasia.com/id/jakarta.html). -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo: ShowFx Asia unites the finance world of Indonesia once again Tanggal 30-31 Juli, Jakarta akan menjadi pusat industri keuangan; akan diadakan Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo kembali yang diselenggarakan oleh ShowFx Asia. http://data.showfxasia.com/i/img/jakarta-forum.jpg Jakarta pada malam hari Pada kali ini peserta pameran, diantaranya: - Broker internasional InstaForex; - Perusahaan broker IKOFX; - FIBO Group; - Salah satu akademi terbesar di Asia - Forex Asia Academy dan masih banyak lagi. Pihak penyelenggara berjanji akan mengadakan sebuah kemasan yang menarik. Master-master keuangan dunia akan berbagi banyak rahasia terkait dengan trading Forex. Seminar diadakan untuk membantu baik trader pemula ataupun trader Forex yang profesional. Pengunjung pameran bisa mempunyai peluang yang hebat dan bisa melihat persentasi yang akan diberikan oleh Arief Makmur, Asri Mahmood dan masih banyak lagi. Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo juga akan memberikan hadiah-hadiah undian yang menarik! Hadirilah: Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo! Tanggal 30-31 July. Tiket masuk gratis. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Jakarta Finance and Investment Expo anda bisa lihat pada website resmi dari ShowFx Asia. -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
ShowFx Asia in Singapore: Totals On May 7-8 Singapore saw a successful financial exhibition ShowFx World Singapore Finance Expo 2011. Hundreds of guests and several event participants were able to fling into the financial profundity. http://data.showfxworld.com/i/img/IMG_8420.JPG Many representatives of companies related to financial markets gathered within Suntec Convention Center, a modern exhibition center in Singapore. InstaForex, SystemForex, UWC, Finance Roll, Online Trading Academy, UWC Financial Service, OkPay, Forex Asia Academy, Traders Round Table, Forex Driving School and many others presented their services to the guests of ShowFx World Singapore Finance Expo 2011. For beginners and professionals of Forex there was prepared a highly topical programme: it was 2-day exhibition, a plenty of seminars and master-classes were run by guru of a financial world. Bert Antonik, the lecturer of «Online Trading Academy», told about the peculiarities of objective and subjective trading. Dr. Foo Loon Sung, the author of popular books “Forex Trading The Smart Way”, “Trading the Forex Market, a Basic Training Course” and “Robotic Forex: Trading Forex the Consistent and Profitable Way”, came out with a speech «Eight Trading Naked Strategies». Asri Mahmood, popular analyst of currency markets, held two seminars: «Using Sovereign Credit Default Swaps To Gauge Market Behavior» and «Using Sovereign Credit Default Swaps To Gauge Market Behavior». CHOO KOON LIP, one of the youngest lectures in the world of Forex-trading included in the list of Forex top lectures, according to the rating of independent resource ForexForum.asia and «The Automated Forex Trading Meetup Group» in Singapore, who also established Forex Asia Academy, told the visitors of ShowFx World Singapore Finance Expo 2011 about the way the automatical trading system brings profit on Forex. Mr. Kevin NG, Brandon Wendell, Dr. Jeff Xu, Lim Min Siang also came as event guests. http://data.showfxworld.com/i/img/IMG_8518.JPG Aside from seminars and master-classes, ShowFx World Singapore Finance Expo 2011 prepared for its guests a drawing of precious prizes from participants and organizers. "I've received not only useful information and met my broker's representatives, but also got a great prize - new iPhone. I have been wishing to have it for so long and now my dream has come true. Thanks! I'm happy!" - the drawing winner shares his joy. iPad , Galaxy Tab and NetBook were also raffled. A lot of event visitors, high concernment of real and potential exhibition partakers confirmed the fact once again that Singapore is one of the most beneficial and prosperous places for running such kind of arrangements. "We are not going to rest on our laurels and we will strive forward. One of the top-priorities to this day is to increase the number of exhibitions. And the first steps in this direction were already made", - as stated by exhibition organizers. http://data.showfxworld.com/i/img/IMG_8836.JPG The international exhibition brand ShowFx Asia sincerely gives thanks to partners, participants and event guests and reminds that the next event arranged by ShowFx Asia will take place in Indonesia, Jakarta on July 30-31. Snatch the chance! You are welcome to see the photos of the event on the official ShowFx Asia website. -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Pameran ShowFx Asia Internasional mengingatkan anda, pada tanggal 7 Mei - 8 Mei akan diselenggarakan pameran keuangan dengan judul ShowFx Asia - Singapura Expo 2011. Dengan agenda sebagai berikut: - Pertemuan perwakilan perusahaan-perusahaan broker besar seperti InstaForex, SystemForex, ForexClub, dan Finance Roll; - Persentasi projek edukasi berskala besar seperti Forex Asia Academy, Online Trading Academy, Trading Round Table dan Forex Driving School; - Mengadakan Master-classes dan seminar oleh para profesional trading dan analis Forex terkemuka diantaranya, Bert Antonik, Dr. Foo Loon Sung, Lim Min Siang, Asri Mahmood dan masih banyak lagi; -Pengundian hadiah menarik oleh pihak penyelenggara pameran sebagai bonus dari perusahaan-perusahaan broker. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan unik ini! Kami tunggu anda! 7 Mei - 8 Mei 2011, Suntec Convention Center, ShowFx Asia Singapore Expo 2011! Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, lihat pada website ShowFx Asia. -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Dear friends, The year 2010 is coming to an end. We have been through a lot this year. The number of events organized by international exhibition brand ShowFxWorld has grown twice and interest to them has increased tenfold. In the forthcoming year we are planning to accelerate our development rate and consolidate the company’s public image on the international arena. We sincerely hope that you will spend next year with us. http://ruforum.mt5.com/asset.php?fid=36851&uid=2604&d=1293124378 We wish you good luck, health and financial prosperity! -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
ShowFxAsia: exhibition in Jakarta – the best final! The exhibition in Jakarta appeared the final stage in a series of events organized under the brand of ShowFxAsia in 2010. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs598.ash2/155059_164668790241813_100000960786263_305039_3313123_n.jpg The best representatives of financial markets gathered in Indonesia. The visitors of the expo had a good chance to estimate the services and the quality of brokerage establishments’ functioning, familiarize themselves with the work of educational projects and other companies running their activity on financial markets. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1198.snc4/155059_164668796908479_100000960786263_305041_57819_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1198.snc4/155059_164668800241812_100000960786263_305042_2712254_n.jpg The participants of the exhibition amazed the guests by professional presentations as well as by numerous gifts.The companies InstaForex and LiteForex raffled an iPod, iPad and iPhone and the money certificates. Moreover, the luckiest people received the trading accounts deposited with 300 USD by InstaForex. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1228.snc4/156013_164669986908360_100000960786263_305051_5031541_n.jpg Thanks to the organizers of the event everybody could partake in the “Lucky Draw” or the seminars held by the best financial analysts. Educational lectures have become a good tradition as no exhibition of ShowFxAsia takes place without these workshops. This time the following experts shared their trading secrets with the visitors: Asri Mahmood, Asep Rony and Arif Makmur. The show in Jakarta was appreciated by partakers and guests of the event. The organizing team declared that considerable interest to the occasion pointed out the necessity to include Jakarta into the list of the permanent places for the financial exhibitions. The international expo brand ShowFxAsia expresses gratitude to the sponsors, guests and participants of the exhibition. We will be happy to see you in the following “exhibitional year”! Find out more about the exhibition held in Jakarta at our official website or in our official group in Facebook. -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Dear friends! One of the most crucial events in the world of financial markets is coming in few days already - ShowFxAsia exhibition 2010, granting you a perfect opportunity to learn the essence of trading on financial markets, get to know services offered by various brokerage companies, try your luck in numerous contests arranged by the exhibition organizers and participants and have a good time! November 27-28, Jakarta, Balai Sidang: take you chance! -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
I would like to represent you a schedule for two days of the upcoming exhibition ShowFx Asia in Jakarta. ShowFx Asia Jakarta Financial EXPO 2010 schedule: 27 of November 10:00 - Opening Ceremony 11:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 11:30 - Asep Rony “Forex market basics. History of market development and growth” 12:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 12:15 - Asri Mahmood “Fundamental Analysis , Using COT Report As A Conformational Toll For Profitable Trading” 13:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 13:10 - Forex Trading Seminar from Forex Asia Academy 14:30 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 15:00 - Asep Rony "Advanced knowledge. Disput for experienced traders" 16:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 16:30 - Arif Makmur "Features of Forex trading" 18:00 - Closing ceremony of the first day 28 of November 10:00 - Opening second day of the EXPO 11:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 11:20 - Arif Makmur “Features of Forex trading” 12:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 12:30 - Asep Rony “Advanced knowledge of trading at Forex Market” 13:40 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 14:00 - ShowFx Asia Award ceremony 14:10 - Forex Trading Seminar from Forex Asia Academy 14:50 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 15:00 - Asep Rony “History of market development and growth” 16:00 - ShowFx Asia Lucky Draw 16:30 - Asri Mahmood “Turtle Strategy for trading at Forex Market” 18:00 - Closing Ceremony of the EXPO You will remember this event for the rest of your life! -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
Forex exhibitions by ShowFxWorld ShowFxAsia in Jakarta: Take your chance! International exhibition brand ShowFxAsia invites everyone to visit one of the most exciting events of the financial market world – ShowFxAsia 2010. It is due on November 27-28 in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. This place was chosen among many others as Indonesia today embodies financial strength and stability of Asian countries, and symbolizes their investment attractiveness and sustainable development. http://ruforum.mt5.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=28530&d=1289486939 Jakarta Exhibition in Jakarta is going to be the last in the series of events arranged by ShowFxAsia in 2010 and its organizers did their best to make it unforgettable. You are about to enjoy: Dozens of display stands from financial market representatives Seminars by the best financial market analysts Prize drawings carried out by organizers and partakers of the exhibition and many other surprises from ShowFxAsia. November 27-28, Jakarta, Balai Sidang. Take your chance to become a part of financial world with ShowFxAsia! P.S. The entrance is gratis! -
ShowFxWorld joined the community
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
ShowFx World Moscow Expo: We again united the best! On September 18-19 in Moscow, the third exhibition organized by ShowFx World brand took place. Hundreds of people have visited Ritz Carlton Conference Hall, on Tverskaya Street, that undoubtedly testifies about interest in both the event and the companies, which represent the leading participants of Forex market, banking industry and financial area. http://cs9888.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/117728470/x_83f83dc4.jpg http://cs9888.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/117728470/x_7c31345e.jpg The partakers of ShowFx World show have organized eight educational seminars devoted to the investment problems and work on stock, banking and Forex markets. Moreover, MasterForex-V academy was awarded with the "Best educational project 2010" for the second time by the show’s organizers. http://cs9888.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/117728470/x_4efc017f.jpg http://cs9888.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/117728470/x_eb39de2f.jpg The large broker InstaForex Company deserves a separate attention. The broker presented a new auto Hummer H3 to a winner of a campaign held by the company and rewarded three finalists of the beauty contest. These particular events drew interest of InstaForex Company’s clients and exhibition visitors. http://cs9888.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/117728470/x_8f110b5e.jpg The management of ShowFx World exhibition brand has highly assessed the results of the show due to the reputable level of participants and eventfulness of the arrangement with various educational seminars and developments. ShowFx World appreciates all visitors and partakers of the exhibition and hopes to see all of them at the next exposition that will be held in Dubai on November 20-21, 2010. The international exhibition brand ShowFx World expresses the special gratitude to its partners: MetaQuotes, CNBC Business, IntsaForex, Masterforex-V, RAFMM, FXStreet.com, F&O, 2trade.ru, FXMail.ru, Status Investment Broker, ForexPros, MT5, IBTimes, DailyForex, TRADERS', ActionForex, Oil N' Gold, Univer.ru, ForexCamp, FinanceRoll, The Russia Corporate World, DOWJONES, PWFOREX, PlanetForex, Wealth Mentors, MFD.ru, LiteForex, ForexArena. http://cs9888.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/117728470/x_0815c4c4.jpg -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
ShowFx World invite to visit Moscow EXPO at 18th-19th of September 2010 International brand ShowFx World invites everybody to the next exhibition devoted to the financial markets: beginning with currency exchange market Forex and ending with stock markets regardless their location. This exhibition will be interesting not only for participants of mentioned above markets but also great number of private individuals concerned in all aspects of financial markets activity. The exhibition will take place from 18th to 19th of September in the capital of Russia – Moscow. One of the most exclusive hotels of the city – Ritz Carlton Tverskaya will become a home for all the participants and guests of the exhibition ShowFx World for two days. Leading Forex-brokers, stock and futures companies and educational projects will be participants of this event under the auspices of international show brand ShowFxWorld. Exhibition ShowFx World is a unique opportunity for all members presenting different financial markets to be integrated in the Forex community up the high standard. The status of ShowFx World brand and its partners, among which is the leader of software products development for financial markets – MetaQuotes Software, is a guarantee of professionalism and conductive dialog. Just owing to the effectiveness of dialog within the ShowFx World exhibition, parties can share their experience, obtain new partnership relations and attract new customers. We also guarantee direct access to the products and services of the leading financial markets’ participants: from brokers to educational projects. All aspects and segments of financial markets, fundamental principles and topical questions, the whole range of proposals and current intramarket tendencies will be introduced at the exhibition ShowFxWorld in Moscow. -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
ShowFx World summer exhibition in Singarope The international exhibition brand ShowFX Asia gladly announces that in Singapore on July 10-11 the exhibition devoted to the currency market Forex was successfully held. More than 500 guests took part in the exhibition. http://cs10038.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/114256341/x_7f9c6acf.jpg For the visitors of the show in Singapore the stands and presentation grounds by participants, representing the leaders of the financial field and Forex market in particular, were settled. Within the framework of ShowFx Asia exhibition 12 training seminars , dedicated to the fundamental analysis, Forex trading strategies, psychological aspects of trading on Forex market and other interesting topics, were organized for all comers. http://cs10038.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/114256341/x_39106c00.jpg Apart from the seminars different draws and lotteries were conducted among the visitors of the exhibition. Everybody who visited the show in addition to positive emotions received memorable prizes. http://cs10038.vkontakte.ru/u90236968/114256341/x_eb650f7f.jpg According to the management of ShowFX Asia Company the summer exhibition in Singapore can be rightfully considered the best exhibition among those which were organized by ShowFx Asia brand in the Asian region. However, the representatives of the Company do not doubt that with each following exhibition the level of the event and the attention focused on it will increase. ShowFx Asia exhibition in Singapore drew attention of all participants of financial markets in Asia, in particular Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. For the numerous traders, who visited the exhibition, the participation in the event became the perfect opportunity to meet under one roof with the representatives of the European and Singaporean companies, as well as with their local partners. The international exhibition brand ShowFx World and its member ShowFx Asia once more thank all guests and partakers of the exhibition and hope to see them on next exhibition, organized by ShowFx World brand, which will be held in Moscow on September 18-19, 2010. Moreover, the international exhibition brand ShowFx Asia expresses gratitude to its partners: InstaForex Company, CMCMarkets, LiteForex and UWC. The full report from the ShowFx Asia exhibition in Singapore as well as the interview with the participants of the exhibition you can watch at our web-site showfxworld.com/en/reports.html -
Forex expositions by ShowFxWorld
ShowFxWorld replied to ShowFxWorld's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
One day left till EXPO! The exhibition will take place TOMORROW! Once again I would like to invite everybody related to financial markets to visit ShowFxWorld expo in Singapore. Seize the moment! Educational seminars, representatives of respectable Forex brokers, bonuses and presents and much more surprises are waiting for you in Singapore!