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  1. I found this shortguide... http://www.rickackerman.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/about-the-hidden-pivot-method.pdf I found in their site that they have more detailed information and manual form their webinar and course. Please share their webinar and course material here..
  2. Re: Rockwell Trading Course Markus Heitkoetter Hi Doddy... Do you have the 3th and 4th coaching session parts that may you share here? Some days ago I sent and post here several references about this course but I don't know why never appears here. Send me a PM if you want it. In fact...for the Home Study Course videos...I have the organized video list by module. This can help to follow properly this course. Making some reasearch they methods are first based in indicators first, later on price patterrns. Regards
  3. Re: Investools Hi Rawon Thanks for share these links.... Would you be so kind to share the password to extract or open the files? Do you have other Investools programs like these? Investools Basic Options Investools Advanced Technical Analysis Investools Currency Trader Regards FxQuantum
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