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About ne0t

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  1. Dear Admin, Ive been a member since Nov 2009 and have more than 20 posts ....pls consider me for FREE upgrade to a Lifetime VIP account.. regards
  2. hxxps://www.tradeguider.com/vsa-foundations-course.asp
  3. I think the reason for the big size is because videos are in 1080p resolution. I tried convert to M4V using Handbrake with web optimized option, I got about 15% size reduction for 1080p and about 33% size reduction for 720p, I only tried 2 small videos in folder 1 though Edited : it seems that some of the folders (for example folder 1 - 5) are already converted to smaller size (600mb original vs 60mb here)
  4. Thanks, do you have links for the rest of that events?
  5. Confirmed, this is the real course and the links works fine for me. note : filesonic acc is easy to find, for today : Username: [email protected] Password: 07c30a039007 Usually, the acc will be active for the next 12 hours.
  6. Still downloading the file, but i took a peek and it contains 'DVD 1 Essentials The Candles Part 1.avi'. So i believe it is the real one.
  7. Nope, ur links contains old courses : 'profiting_with_japanese_candlestick_charts.avi'
  8. Steve Nison - Candle Charting Essentials Vol 1 & 2 [8 DVDs (AVI's) + Manual (PDF) + (JPG) +(TXT)] Share the knowledge and enjoy! :-) Description: The "Candle Charting Essentials & Beyond" (Volumes 1 and 2 of the Candlecharts.com Educational Series) DVD Training Program is the equivalent of a 2-day seminar on Steve's "Trading Triad" principles of Candlesticks, Western Technicals, and Trade Management. The training you'll receive will take you from the beginning to a strong intermediate level of candlestick knowledge and ability. Simple And Easy For Any Trader To Quickly Master Volume 1 The Candles is 4 parts. Volume 2 The West is 3 parts plus Trade Management. This is what is printed on the DVD's labels: Disc 1 The Candles - Part 1 The Framework Construction and Benefits of Candles Real Bodies and Shadows Doji Disc 2 The Candles - Part 2 Bull and Bear Single Candle Lines Single Candle Lines - The Bull Signals Single Candle Lines - The Bear Signals Disc 3 The Candles - Part 3 Bull and Bear Double Candle Lines Double Candle Lines - The Bull Signals Double Candle Lines - The Bear Signals Disc 4 The Candles - Part 4 Using the Insights of Triple Candle Lines Continuation Candles including Windows Disc 5 The West - Part 1 Importance of Western Tools Candles and Trend Lines Disc 6 The West - Part 2 Candles and Volume Candles and Bollinger Bands Candles and Oscillators Disc 7 The West - Part 3 The Disparity Index Record Sessions Candles and Retracements Candles and Price Patterns Disc 8 Trade Management Protective Stops Price Targets Reward/Risk Importance of Trend If...Then Rule Adapting to the Market http://www.filesonic.com/file/4077005295/SNCCEB.zip note : - found this yesterday, not my oroginal upload, so all credits go to the original uploader. - and this is the real stuff
  9. 29/11/2011 Username: misterBB Password: misterbb
  10. Noted Shithil. Here is premium filesonic for today, usually these leaked premium accounts will work till 12PM in my timezone (GMT+7). User : [email protected] password : Respect
  11. Downloading from filesonic is easy since it's easy to find premium filesonic account, i can help with leaked filesonic premium account if you need it.
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