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Posts posted by knightyonder

  1. hi dear indo-investasi buddies,


    i've been watching this thread growing fast like phreak said "over- hyped". to say this system generates a lot of "false" signals is misleading. systems do not give false signals, there are only false human's perception, interpretation, ignorance and so on.


    almost all systems give identical signals. when a new system is shared there will always be somebody not satisfied with the "quality" of the signals. so people start modifying system by adding new indicators or playing with the settings. eventually they'll run in circle, tons of "false" signals are still generated.


    why so? because market conditions are forever changing, indicator systems can't adapt to them. instead of being frustrated of the "false" signals, newbies never bother to find out they actually have been trading against the main flow, support/ resistance, trading during overlapping price action and news release etc.... one shouldn't follow system blindly, it's a tool. you won't use a pair scissors to cut everything will you? like a tree?


    me, i too use tools like indicators. but not in this way like when momentum crosses 0 line or crosses moving averages blah blah blah... normally if you take the system signals, it is when the move is already underway and your entry is already too late thus means more risk!!! of course newbies'll get lucky when you coincidentally get in sync with the main trend so you'll turn out ok... but remember markets only trend less than 20% of the time (the experts say) during normal time, system followers will get whipsawed...


    so here is how i use indicators, i look for divergence, support/ resistance zone. i compare the strength of each leg and take my entry as near to the S/B as possible to reduce my risk. if the move is in my direction, i would have on the ride before the newbies come in much later (high risk). In conclusion, there is no shortcut to success, get real and learn price action so i am sill learning. the way is still far ahead for me. use each tool cautiously and know what you are doing.


    there is nothing wrong with waterskiguy sharing his system, thank goodness he is not trying to sell anything hehe... but you still have to keep learning, not add new indicators or adjust the settings... it does you no real help...



  2. hi guys i suggest not to waste time on this ea. almost all eas are the same, large stop loss, small TP. that's why they have high win rate, but it only takes 1 losing trade to wipe out all your previous 10- 20 winnings. common sense, period!


    instead of looking for an easy way to trading, one should learns to trade. if you trade manually, you'll never let the loss grow too big or let your full stoploss to be hit. if your analysis and entry are right, the trade'll almost go your way immediately, not to wait until the 330 pips stoploss to be hit to prove you've already been wrong. trading this way is doomed to failure.

  3. But isn't it one of the purposes of this great Forum too expose these snake oil vendors for who they really are. They sell there snake oil for thousands $$$. By sharing it here in II we are exposing them for whole they really are. That's another reason why this forum is so great. There are allot of desperate guys whole want to desperately learn an edge to some how better their trading abilities. When these Snake Oil vendors talk a good game they take advantage of these guys. These guys that like it or not many of us were like them in the beginning. You see.... What makes this Forum so great is that yeah we share indicators, EA's, etc...... and yeah theres allot of moochers. But what makes this forum great is that we look after our own here at Indo-Investasi. I don't know any other forum that does the same.


    i was once a newbie who endeavored to find a holy grail, then eventually stumbled upon this great forum. through this forum a lot of honest and first hand experience about a particular system or indicator is shared. i have grown a lot through the sharing spirit of this forum. thank you! Indo- investasi.

  4. How can you say that? He must be payed for his marketing job, lots of DVDs, included and shipped! directly to your door, by Mr Poullos himself(don't forget the marmelade for toasts!) plus a lifetime access to membership club, a rescue team (his son and his stepdaughter) to answer his hundreds of thousand customers plus.... over than 3 billions $ worth's of material.

    And you can even use the nice cardboard box to wedge your wardrobe. Also a nice soft that is able to forecast the 8 next hours, that makes you so much money in no time, that he was wondering why he should be selling all that for a price of only around $2400. (he just wanted not to be selfish and share his discovery with all of us)

    So generous!

    It is a bargain.


    I was almost decided to helping this poor Mr Poullos, but i am not selfish either and but I do not want to deprive one of our dearest members, this ultimate pleasure making a donation.


    P.S. Quick quiz: we have two big marketers selling craps, but one sells his stuff for 50 times less? who is he?


    haha very funny. Freddy!


    yeah mr poulos is such a good Samaritan sharing his secret that "made" him rich...


    some newbies may find the fact very hard to accept, we all know this because we have been newbies too before. we always thought what if , WHAT IF this "SECRET" is really true in spite of so many negative comments? then i will have found a precious stone while others cast it aside?!!


    nah no way, there is a sucker born every minute... the last thing you need is to be a sucker.


    pls newbies, educate yourselves first with the nature of this industry and understand how markets work. then you'll be like Neo in the Matrix who sees through everything behind the Matrix. nobody can predict the markets, even Neo the One can't do it, even 8 hours in advance! that's outrageous!!! i think there is great competition in forex product industry nowadays that he has to come out with an even more ridiculous and unbelievable statement to attract freshbies!

  5. Marketers they are!


    jason fielder and bill poulos are business partners in affiliate marketing, endorsing and promoting each other's products...


    they set themselves up as trading experts where fielder specializes in trading strategies while poulos mainly in trading discipline or risk management (maybe they have agreed upon it ) every few days you'll receive emails from these 2 "experts", promoting tons of most recent forex products. whenever there is a new product out, you can almost be sure 1 or 2 of these guys will keep you "updated" and bomb your inbox with identical titles like "look! how many pips has this or that system made in the last 5 months!!" blah blah blah....


    that's it, i have nothing against marketers or the industry. but when because of their marketing tactics, ppl are led into buying all those so called "holy grails" which eventually'll blow up their accounts in a few months! Ppl believe they are the experts, saviors, Messiah. these experts are making money upon us poor souls' pockets who are eager to make a living in this hazardous trading industry, crushing ppl's dreams of success. well luckily i never bought any of their products cos they are just too overpriced and i couldn't afford them.


    ever wonder why would a trading expert spend so much time writing marketing emails, creating & marketing trading systems (which are stolen from other free resources) instead of trading? if you are the experts, isn't trading more profitable? when asked, they'd say "we are traders helping traders" ohh come on give me a break, if you stop cheating ppl out of their hard earned money that is already a "great" help!!


    for nison, i have only read his first book candlestick charting techniques. at first i thought it was an eye opener, an information power house, so many patterns, wonderful cute names, ohh look that's a star! oh no that's a dangerous doji. nison has explained those patterns in details, like telling a story behind each pattern. but when i try to find a way to incorporate them into my trading style, i found out i couldn't. his book offers no real practical values to me. it's just that he's just a very good story teller mesmerizing his audience with his words. i am not saying candlestick patterns have got no value, what i mean is i don't learn that much from his book. i heard there are some other candlestick authors out there did a better job than nison but i don't know. for me western exhaustion, reversal bars will do.


    after all this whining anyway, i am not saying all trading experts who promote and market their own system are liars, actors. there are some really good out there. personally in my opinion, i really admire Mr. Joe Ross and Al Brooks. they live their talks and are the real deals. their books maybe are a bit difficult for newbies, but they are worthwhile. the most important thing is not the methods, it is the concept, idea, mechanism, anatomy behind the markets that really matters. bars counting, anticipating corrections, congestion, identifying trends etc. if you incorporate these ideas into your own whatever trading systems or indicators, i believe it will improve your trading almost ten-fold. at least give your money to the markets learning the valuable lessons, instead of giving it to those hypocrite "experts" out there and i am still learning.



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