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  1. Hi gdshan, Thanks for your reply. Found only "Swing trading using wyckoff method" documents inside the link that provided. Do you have the videos for this course? Please share. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, Can't find the files at the download link. Anyone, please share again. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, Thanks for re-upload the material. Anyone having the Todd Kureger Support/Resistance Techniques of Professional Traders material? Please share. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, For those who have downloaded the Todd Kureger WVA and WCVA Courses, please share them. Thanks in advance.
  5. Could someone re-upload please.
  6. Re: Catching Trend Reversals by Daivd H. Weis Thanks for sharing great DVD. Does anyone got the "Trading with the Elliott Wave Principle: A Practical Guide" book by David H. Weis? Please share. ^:)^
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