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  1. Re: Dukascopy Metatrader 4 platform Yes, that's what I meant. It's 25k or 10M in notional volume, so nothing too shocking if you really are an active trader. Sorry but with 1 to 1.5pip spread even very low commission is not convenient...advancedmarkets and fxcm often have spreads < 0.5pip, acceptable commission and execution is tremendously quick.
  2. Re: Willaim Greenspan - Day Trading Made Simple MegaUpload links
  3. Re: Dukascopy Metatrader 4 platform My greatest doubt about Dukascopy is their half-pip feed. I've found it much more convenient to trade with advancedmarkets or FXCM level2 since the commission is comparable but the spread can go down to 0pips and is often lower than 0.5. Dukascopy, on the contrary, seems to have spreads mostly in the 1-1.5pips area for retail customers, which would be fine if they didn't apply commission. Also, I've noticed a good deal of slippage in certain situations, so I'd recommend not to open retail accounts with them.
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