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  1. Is there any way to get this without a premium Mega membership? It seems to exceed the free quota. Thanks. -DM
  2. If anyone has either or both of these two udemy courses, please post. Part one: Discover Six Unique Trading Strategies For US Stocks And Start Trading Stocks Today. _https://www.udemy.com/amibroker-trading-systems/ Part two: New Trading Systems Fully Disclosed And Explained. Discover Six Unique Trading Strategies For Stocks, ETFs And ES. _https://www.udemy.com/hedge-fund-trading-systems-two/ Thanks, -DM
  3. profile, The link for "Collection different files" is the same as for "Swing trading part 4". I assume it should be different? Thanks, -DM
  4. laser1000it (or anyone), Would it be possible to repost part 11? Part 11 gives an error (file not found) after the countdown, capta, and click to start... Thanks, -DM
  5. Is there any chance that some of the highlights can be posted separately? A 60+gb download is a bit much for my connection. Looks like a great post though. -DM
  6. First, thank you very much for the post(s) doddy... Has anyone come across disk 8 of the Ultimate Gann Course? Thanks, - DM
  7. Were you actually able to download either version? By the time I tried, both the standard and flash versions were removed. If you did get them, would it be possible for you to repost somewhere? Thanks, -DM
  8. Re: McDaddy Trading course -Price Behavior Used KMPlayer here which works well: - DM
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