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Everything posted by daveg1713006128

  1. Hi I have been a member for over 5 years and have posted many many times Dave
  2. Does anyone know how many Matrix points there are on the MC0, or 4 week cycle and whether it inverts? Many thanks
  3. Hi Anybody know what this software is like, or more importantly how to extend life beyond the trial period. http://www.forecastingmadeeasy.com/index.html Dave
  4. hi Anybody heard of these guys or know what they do/how they do it? http://mpforexadvisory.com/ impressive claims and results dave
  5. Re: Correlation Code Secrets Hi do you have another download link? As with most rapidshare links, I get to 99.9% and it locks up. This has occurred 3 times trying to get this! It's seriously friggin' annoying dave
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