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    Three Ms i.e. Music, Maths and Meditation

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks Rana, It's my favorite Elliott Wave and Fibonacci. Hope I will get some new insights from this material.
  2. You are correct meek13 and I would suggest a method of which you have already given a hint. The vowels may be used like this in the subject field of the thread; @ for a, & for e, % for i, 0(Zero) for o and finally ^ for u. Then the members searching a particular subject may also apply these characters. The admins may also program the codes that the subject header may automatically change the vowels in the subject header in a predefined manner. If this is uniformally applied then I don't think there could be any problem.
  3. Will you please upload "Market Timing Tutorial"
  4. This book seems to be worth reading. I don't have this one. I know it is available in ewef.net on this link http://ewef.net/showthread.php?t=23565 however I don not have sufficient privilege to download this book. Perhaps some member in this forum might have such privilege. I request them to please make available this book to the members of this forum also.
  5. Thanks for all these links. Aren't we in the sunami of information. We need the real things, which are working and which we must know as traders in the financial markets. I think there is need of a thread which has only useful things well explained.
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