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  1. Re: [REQ] Pristine DVD's Seminars Can any fellow members provide comments on the effectiveness of the various top candlestick gurus - ie pristine, steven bigalow and steve nison?? My question is pinpointing towards the "effectiveness" of the gurus in providing a better than 50-50 approach towards trading the right hand side of the chart. Instead of the hindsight analysis such as pinpointing a support level a few bars prior where there were reversal patterns..., etc.. TQ and hav a good weekend!!! ;)
  2. Re: I would like to be a futures traders True, futures exchanges are better regulated compared to the norm forex brokers... nonetheless, i believe the key issue is whether the wannabe trader could adjust to the volatility of the future markets with the key benefits of profiting from both up/down scenarios... If adjusted well, its truly a paradise coz you can trade constantly to increase your capital on a daily basis.. otherwise, it's the faster way to get out biz if can't follow the futures markets, esp when the spikes come in!! :)
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