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Everything posted by Loustar1

  1. How do you download or read from this site? Thanks for the link !!
  2. Great Share !! -- Do you have any other Seiden vids? -- Thanks for you gift to the forum
  3. nice share - johan !! thanks
  4. bumping - would be nice if someone could repost - thanks in advance
  5. Hey Sess - tried link but it says video not found - any suggestions?
  6. bumping this - any fresh links or torrents? - thanks in advance
  7. Just downloaded - and it does ask for a password - any help? - thanks in advance
  8. Is there a way to download multiple filesonic links at one time?
  9. A re post of links would be a good thing - thanks in advance
  10. Sesshoumaru, please make room in your mailbox - tried to send you a pm and got message that your box was full. Thanks in advance
  11. bumping again - this would be a great find for indo
  12. can these be reloaded to r@pidshare or put in torrent form? thanks in advance
  13. great share but a torrent would be helpful - can anyone help?
  14. bumping this - I agree a torrent would be better - hope someone can create one - happy holiday to all
  15. Links don't work - looks like a great concept - casn you re post? Thanks in advance
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