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  1. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library Ajata, Sorry about that. Rapid keeps taking it down.
  2. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library All in one version, for those who have FAST internet connection. Download this link. Unrar it to 10 files. Then Unrar the 1st file. Then you will have it all. To download it you will need to give them an email. You can get a temporary email here. [email protected] . Here is the file www.fileb0x.c0m/9uhd186bts4t Again Thanks to LearningFX for original post. Thanks, Bob
  3. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library Ajata, This includes RapidShare, MeguUpload, Deposit Files, HotFile, FileFront, ZShare, MegaShare, SendSpace, MediaFire, Badongo, File Factory, and Uploading. [email protected]/files/ZGJN1VSR/ota.part01.rar_links [url][email protected]/files/03JIIGCT/ota.part02.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/0LP49GW6/ota.part03.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/9XKIOXAG/ota.part04.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/MRUOUWKP/ota.part05.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/B9CXXP92/ota.part06.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/08B5CBPC/ota.part07.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/CDXB0MC9/ota.part08.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/VF7BB6SH/ota.part09.rar_links[/url] [url][email protected]/files/0F0GVPEL/ota.part10.rar_links[/url] The Multiupload links includes that I posted in my earlier posts: Megaupload, Depositfiles, Hotfile, Zshare, Badongo, and Uploading, and some additional links on some of them. You have many choices. They are all interchangeable. Again Thanks to LearningFX for original post. Thanks, Bob
  4. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library If you download it from either the uplo@ding links(original poster) or from the Multiuplo@d links...it works fine. Thanks, Bob
  5. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library Here is 9 + 10 links. Thanks to LearningFX ota.part09.rar (100.61 MB) http://[email protected]/7H0AV1NIAQ ota.part10.rar (23.63 MB) http://[email protected]/PLUUO50Y7B This now all of the links that are mirrors. The uploading.c03 links work also. Thanks, Bob
  6. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library Here is 6 + 7 +8 links. Thanks to LearningFX ota.part06.rar (100.61 MB) http://[email protected]/GMOAGZZHX5 ota.part07.rar (100.61 MB) http://[email protected]/7BQ2ZTQ1XS ota.part08.rar (100.61 MB) http://[email protected]/EIQ76NG4ID Links 9 and 10 to follow.
  7. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library Mirror to 1st 5 Links. Thanks to LearningFX. ota.part01.rar (100.61 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/6SPWV2K6TI ota.part02.rar (100.61 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/WOOMNLMR5D ota.part03.rar (100.61 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/X47BZKRKGJ ota.part04.rar (100.61 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/U4TWMGPTZU ota.part05.rar (100.61 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/ZK9AP57TEG I will mirror the other 5 when I get them downloaded.
  8. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library 2nd set of links. Change .c03 to .com at they work. for sure.
  9. Re: The Ultimate Professional Trader Plus CD Library The second set of links are not dead.
  10. Here is Track N Trade. Gecko.Software.Track.n.Trade.Pro.v4.0.8.2.Incl.KeyMak...rar Size: 62.42 MB http://[email protected]/625cbca4 Thanks
  11. Re: Full Trading DVD´s Just search DVD in the "search tab" and you will find 25 pages of info.
  12. Re: Short Term Trading with Precision Timing by Jake Bernstein Mirror http://[email protected]/download/1VDPM0YE/Short_Term_Trading_with_Precice_Timing__by_Jake_Bernstein_www.dl4all.com.part1.rar [url]http://[email protected]/download/1WKP94TM/Short_Term_Trading_with_Precice_Timing__by_Jake_Bernstein_www.dl4all.com.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://[email protected]/download/UKZNUMA4/Short_Term_Trading_with_Precice_Timing__by_Jake_Bernstein_www.dl4all.com.part3.rar[/url] Thanks
  13. Re: Leechers of FriendlyTraders amongst us Keep in mind that a lot of stuff is on FT first and someone downloads it and shares it here. This is a much better place than Friendly, because here we open share. Things do get shared back and forth between other forums. I believe this is good. I do not like the scammers....who sell what others share for free. I do not like FT or as-1, because is very hard to impossible to sign up and or download anything. Thanks
  14. Here is Advanced Get 9.1 Dashboard Edition hxxp://rapidshare.de/files/48361295/GET_9.1_EOD_Dashboard_Edition.rar.html Here is a video hxxp://rapidshare.de/files/48361296/Advanced_Get_Training_Videos.zip.html Thank You
  15. This is the End of Dat Version. hxxp://r@[email protected]/files/267373220/Advanced_GET_7.8_EoD.rar.html
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