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  1. Option Theory and Trading: A Step-by-Step Guide To Control Risk and Generate Profits Another good options book Option Theory and Trading: A Step-by-Step Guide To Control Risk and Generate Profits 2009 | ISBN: 0470455780 | 352 pages | PDF | 15 MB An accessible guide to understanding and using options Leading options educator Ron Ianieri has created a tried-and-true options training program drawing on his years of experience training new traders. The goal of Option Theory and Trading is to give readers the knowledge to select the optimal strategy for a given situation and to implement that strategy in the most cost-efficient way possible. In addition, the book explains the risk of any and all option positions; examines the techniques and costs involved in countering those risks; and shows when and how to exit a losing trade. Download (hotfile): hxxp://hotfile.com/dl/91888840/a0944d1/0470455780.pdf.html Mirror (fileserve): hxxp://www.fileserve.com/file/epMQEN7/0470455780.pdf Mirror (filesonic): hxxp://www.filesonic.com/file/47267944/0470455780.pdf
  2. For the options traders here is ... Mastering Option Trading Volatility Strategies by Sheldon Natenburg hxxp://www.megaupload.com/?d=L1RA1683 Join the ranks of the most successful option traders by mastering the key concept affecting option pricing - volatility. The world's most acclaimed volatility expert and "Trader's Hall of Fame" award winner Sheldon Natenberg provides a powerful, non-technical, step-by-step workshop for understanding why and how volatility plays such a critical role in options trading. Discover the strengths and weaknesses of using option models. Learn the vital part probability plays in estimating option prices. Discern the difference between historical volatility, future volatility and implied volatility - and the function of each. Develop insight into why the perception of volatility is a more influential factor than actual market direction in option pricing. Become acquainted with the steps needed to analyze and trade options the way the pros do - by mastering key volatility techniques. Natenberg thoroughly explains: The basis of implied volatility and how it is calculated. The importance of dynamic hedging through delta neutral positions. The assumptions driving an options pricing model. How to compare price to value. How option trading decisions begin by comparing implied volatility to future volatility
  3. Sunil Magwani is a Forex trader and educator. His main trading techniques are Price Action, Trendlines, Anti-Trendlines, Andrews Pitchfork (with a unique twist), Fibonacci Ratios, and Divergence. This is a collection of his free educational articles (pdf format) and webinars (flv format). It is basic trading information most useful for traders who have not yet achieved consistent profitability. There are 23 files whose content should be obvious from the descriptive names. Below is a quote from his website revealing his trading philosophy. “Trading is a zero sum game, and if someone is making money, it means that someone is losing it. It is never an equal sum, and he fact is that a small number of people make a lot of money and the masses lose. Everyone wants to be on the winning side, but the facts speak for themselves. In forex, 85% of the traders lose money. Do the small percentages of winners have the Holy Grail? Certainly not. If there did exist a holy grail, then everyone would be a winner. In my opinion, understanding the entire business of trading and applying the correct procedures is what separates the winners from the losers. In all my years of trading, and my experience of teaching technical analysis, I have realized that applying technical analysis is not enough to be a successful trader. One can be successful in this exciting, fulfilling and yet demanding business, if and only if, one has a definite plan on how to approach the market.” hxxp://hotfile.com/dl/24073028/17bb675/SunilMagwaniCollection.part1.rar.html hxxp://hotfile.com/dl/24073039/e8a46f5/SunilMagwaniCollection.part2.rar.html hxxp://hotfile.com/dl/24073097/eacac23/SunilMagwaniCollection.part3.rar.html hxxp://hotfile.com/dl/24073106/be217c8/SunilMagwaniCollection.part4.rar.html hxxp://hotfile.com/dl/24073152/cdeb05c/SunilMagwaniCollection.part5.rar.html or hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/334806143/SunilMagwaniCollection.part1.rar hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/334836956/SunilMagwaniCollection.part2.rar hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/334828913/SunilMagwaniCollection.part3.rar hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/334815625/SunilMagwaniCollection.part4.rar hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/334877495/SunilMagwaniCollection.part5.rar password=tactools.org
  4. Advanced Options: Build an all-weather portfolio. There’s always money to be made. Learn how to prosper in all market condi- tions by applying simple and complex option trading methods like debit, credit, diagonal and butterfly spreads, index options, straddles and strangles. Find out how to control risk and develop entry and exit strategies for each trade. Learn the following: * How to execute advanced covered calls * When to implement advanced option strategies, and which are appropriate in various market conditions * How to develop entry and exit strategies for each option trade * How to turn losing option trades into winners using option spreads * How to control your risk using option spreads http://rapid*share.com/files/308364671/Investools.Advanced.Options.part01.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308361734/Investools.Advanced.Options.part02.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308359456/Investools.Advanced.Options.part03.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308349560/Investools.Advanced.Options.part04.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308501499/Investools.Advanced.Options.part05.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308497861/Investools.Advanced.Options.part06.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308463576/Investools.Advanced.Options.part07.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308451325/Investools.Advanced.Options.part08.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308501821/Investools.Advanced.Options.part09.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308512140/Investools.Advanced.Options.part10.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308498694/Investools.Advanced.Options.part11.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308514470/Investools.Advanced.Options.part12.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308510534/Investools.Advanced.Options.part13.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308481874/Investools.Advanced.Options.part14.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308350962/Investools.Advanced.Options.part15.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308505663/Investools.Advanced.Options.part16.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308380026/Investools.Advanced.Options.part17.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308349092/Investools.Advanced.Options.part18.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308497482/Investools.Advanced.Options.part19.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308356288/Investools.Advanced.Options.part20.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308351729/Investools.Advanced.Options.part21.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308503626/Investools.Advanced.Options.part22.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308388939/Investools.Advanced.Options.part23.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308458408/Investools.Advanced.Options.part24.rar http://rapid*share.com/files/308509624/Investools.Advanced.Options.part25.rar
  5. Re: Options related ebook Mastering Option Trading Volatility Strategies with Sheldon Natenberg (AVI) By: Natenberg, Sheldon hxxp://www.mega*upload.com/?d=L1RA1683
  6. Options related ebook: The Bible of Options Strategies - hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/232833101/The_Bible_of_Options_Strategies.rar Options Trading The Hidden Reality - hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/37469676/Options_Trading_The_Hidden_Reality_0977869172.zip The Option Trader Handbook: Strategies and Trade Adjustments - hxxp://depositfiles.com/en/files/5596dxcye Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives - hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/236597699/of.rar Options Trading for the Conservative Investor: Increasing Profits Without Increasing Your Risk - hxxp://uploading.com/files/7HUQZIZ8/full_ff22.rar.html more..to come..enjoy
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