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osijek1289 last won the day on October 7 2013

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  1. Having the same problem here ... edit or wanting to quote a post locks the page up. Right clicking to respond with the quote of a previous post does not carry the post to the new browser window. Chrome is (auto) updated and doesn't work in IE either (I used to have a problem in Chrome, so used IE, now that does not work.). Tried on 2 separate PCs. Strange.
  2. Thanks for the videos @FloridaTrader ... I've not watched them and will probably not download them, and certainly don't want you to take this the wrong way (as I have not seen the video content); this dude shows up on boards every so often, trying to realtime predict where CL will swing next, and very quickly gets very confrontational and in record time p!sses everyone off, and just as quickly gets banned and tossed. I recall others posting about his past, which has had other shady ventures; he also lives in a below average apartment, yet professes to have broken 'the code'. His name is known, and when you google, there are tons of folks who have been ripped off by his courses, promises, and trading room. Honestly, anyone who pretends to be that good in CL trading, wouldn't be living where he does and ongoingly peddling courses that few have found value in; in brief, mastering CL trading can IMHO lead to significant financial prosperity. :)
  3. I just downloaded it, still asks for a password.
  4. yeah, i found the same thing, with that particular file. I am not sure why. (while other rapidshare downloads tend to be much faster). oh well, eventually, it comes in.
  5. This link works, and the rar is error free. (There is a space showing up in the word 'Market' below - not sure why - eliminate the space) https://www.r@pidshare.c0m/files/3338870163/Wyckoff_by_the_Action-Sequence_Method_-_An_Effective_Way_to_Teach_and_Learn_Technical_Market_Analysis_-_Hank_Pruden.rar
  6. This technique has major value and significance. Too bad I missed it and did not know of the value of this, a year ago. Links are quite dead, and, unavailable anywhere. A reup would make this valued technique available to all. :)
  7. This guy is a crook. I read elsewhere that each file has different passwords, and, he has not supplied what was requested and 'paid for' quite often. And, if you notice, many of the files have the exact same size - he is thus 'padding' them with other content (mp3s, etc) to make money from the downloads. Given he didn't pay for any of this himself, this is another leg up beyond what most here are trying to do by 'testing' software.
  8. Although this is an old thread, this dude never goes away - he's touring the US & Canada promoting the same incoherent gibberish that's been exposed by many, but, there are always candidates for his money sucking tactics. Canada's CBC did a story exposing him earlier this year; here's a few links: http://www.cbc.ca/consumer/story/2010/01/28/consumer-rich-dad-poor-dad-marketplace.html http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/blog/2010/01/get-rich-quick-schemes-really-are-too-good-to-be-true.html And the 22 minute show segment with an undercover camera and catching this tongue-tied fraudster in more than enough lies. Enjoy. http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/2010/road_to_rich_dad/main.html
  9. It is incredibly helpful for both five minute price action chart reading and for identifying the top and bottom of trends on a hourly or a session movement. You can identify where buyers and sellers are, and enter on the next bars with confirmation, with very good risk to reward ratios. Compared to all the indicators out there and on many people's charts, VSA has more value IMHO. That other famous forum on the web (not sure if I'm permitted to mention) has tons of excellent info. Reading Mastering the Markets (many times!) is a good idea, but even without that, you can get a good sense for identifying setups.
  10. SignRC, Wow, great post and great choice of download provider ... there appears to be no limit to how much one can download from it, and it takes about 4 min per 100MB file - I was able to grab most over a late eastern time evening. Unfortunately, the following aren't on ifile.it any longer - if you can replace them, I'm sure many would be thankful. :-) part04, part12, part14, part17, part21
  11. I'm appreciative to the original poster and the individual who posted just the PDF file. Upon reviewing the PDF file, this strikes me as a basic course, where the content could be covered in a much shorter timeframe. I'd also venture that the PDF where it advises to make entries 50 or 75 pips (as an example) from one bar to another is grossly inapplicable to all pairs and all timeframes; it also seems to give specific guidance on exiting 550 pips after a certain type of move. These types of generalizations used without the guidance of support, resistance, fibs, trendlines, regard for the current market, will ultimately lose money and give one poor footing on the basics of fx trading. Before you download the entire course, I would suggest you review the PDF file, but, my take is you can do far better elsewhere, in a shorter time with a more succinct course. Just my opinion.
  12. They work fine. Great that there are so many providers available for each file - they can all be downloading at the same time. Mahdi, do make sure you replace the "@" with the letter 'a'.
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