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  1. There are few links missing from the first and second server - Can someone pleease re-upload them ?
  2. Re: Live Trading with CCI woodie I use mostly CCI woodies for my daily trades - I am excited to see a live video trading about it .. Link is dead can you please upload =) Salam and Cheers!
  3. Re: Strategic Trading Systems Thanks, it looks like a system that we face everyday , easy to be true =) happy pipping :-bd
  4. Re: Are You Femme Traders? femme is a french word of woman =p femme (also spelled fem; originally a French word for woman) are terms often used in the lesbian and gay subcultures =)) Any female traders overs there ? (I am a male though) wow I imagine having a partner trader at home, she can trigger trades when I am not home, and we revise them together, love will surely through trades ONLY if we get the trend as a friend =) Peace
  5. Re: PETER BAIN 2 DVD Thanks flimbo :shand: I am downloading.. I think you revealed his real last name :D cheers..
  6. Re: [req] James 16 The same here if you dont mind ''Masters'' :)>-
  7. Re: A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan for ACTIVE TRADERS Can anyone re-upload the part 3 ? Thanks in advance =)
  8. Re: PETER BAIN 2 DVD The links are dead, anyone ? :">
  9. Re: Peter Bain - Trade Currencies Like The Big Dogs Can anyone share it again please ? :"> :)>-
  10. Re: FOUNDATIONS COURSE #1: CYCLES AND TRENDS Can anyone share it plz, the link is dead. regards
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