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Everything posted by a8qf

  1. DEAD: https://mega.nz/folder/Y2pHHbIJ#ng_vbyDqAwU3QRSsiq1sWA any chance for a new mega for the 2nd part ? thanks
  2. is this the full course ? folder 6 is empty. thanks
  3. what is "Sam_Sei_den" work/course? does it exist on this site? thank you
  4. slow &/or only for premium users, any chance for free & fast links? thanks
  5. "https://_mirror__ ace_._c0m" links are dead .
  6. links of "m_ga & zip_yshare" are dead.
  7. Anyone can reupload " Jimmy_Eurousdtrader_news_trading.part18.rar " ? thanks
  8. the corrected file (http://rapidshare.com/files/410850912/Correct2.avi ) is already dead, can anyone give another link ? thanks
  9. the file "Unlocking_Wealth_Secret_To_Market_Timing_John_Cran e" needs a pass. some of the links have an extra "space" in the link and in order to work properly you need to edit the link,check also for zero instead of "o" .
  10. Re: Steve Nison - Candlestick Re-Ignited had problem with the files downloaded from mediafire,parts 5,9,17,18 were corrupted, downloaded those from the rapidshare list and succeded to open the archive,the archive does not have a recovery record and therefore it is not possible to repair the archives. the avi are in very high quality but :hammer: unfortunatly something is wrong in them and the skips/get stuck,did not find a way to fix the problem,vlc had problem trying to view them,i installed ffdshow(codec pack) and then watched in winamp/media player classic, hope someone will upload a better version.
  11. Re: Derrik Hobbs Triple Crown Strategy correct the the obvious mistakes in the link,also change the "1" in the "file" to "l",you probably missed it.
  12. Re: Steve Nison re-ignited the links work but they are for a seminar called: "St e v e Nis0n's profiting with japanese candlestick charts" . not for the "Ste ve Nis0n re-ignited" . thanks anyway. great site .
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