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Everything posted by stv1025

  1. Re: Forex Profit Farm Trading System Course h**p://www.forexprofitfarm.com/fpfarmproduct.html
  2. Re: H*e*c*t*o*r T*r*a*d*e*r* Thanks a lot. that got it. Edit, Oops I just saw you had only removed the 7 -1 and 7 -2 that were only markers and not part of the file name. :"> Sorry for my ignorance on that one. LOL
  3. Re: H*e*c*t*o*r T*r*a*d*e*r* Thanks for posting this. I get 404 file not found errors though. Would it be possible to re - post the files or send a PM with the new links? thanks again.
  4. Re: Bill Poulos Next Forex Courses (Daytrading) I don't know about the 2.0 but the 1.0 version is a really mechanic system from what i have understood (it individuates pivots,high and low of the bodies of the candle and take into consideration some candle formations..all supported by 2 basic indicator: ADX for trendiness & ATR for volatility). >:) Anyone so brave / kind to try to build an EA for that? ^:)^ Just a pop-up alerter when all conditions are met will be super-fine! :D Here I wrote an indicator that puts an arrow when there is a setup condition present. It will also put up a pop up alert and give the stats for the trade in a comment on the screen. I have to say, I am not all that impressed with the results. I double checked and I am following the rules exactly. I probably won't write a EA, because the manual backtesting shows me it is not really worth my effort. If you want to backtest the method or have any other ideas, here it is. h**p://www.mediafire.com/file/5n1hnqy40ui/FIE Edited 06/25/2009 I just noticed the link I put up died. Here is a new one http://www.mediafire.com/?ymeohit0mjk
  5. Re: [req] Bill Poulos Next Forex Courses (Daytrading) I don't have the system, but a friend of mine let me watch all the videos from his course, he bought. The second half is not really necessary, all Poulos talks about is trade examples and a very small amount of money management. The entire system is contained in Module 2 which is in the first half above. There is also a cheat sheet that lists the same rules as module 2. If you just take screen shots of the rules from module 2, you will have the cheat sheet as well . Be careful with these videos though. They use Flash player. Just make sure you do not allow the video to call back to the mother ship. You can disable the internet connect, using the settings tab in your flash player. The video will play fine even though it does not get to phone home.
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