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About fscrp

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  1. It's been a loooooooong time since my last visit, thanks for the email. Please upgrade to VIP at your convenience.
  2. I thought the same thing too, but it is not the same person. I found the DVD on Amazon and it seems to be for a trading platform called TC2000.
  3. Someone shared this with me awhile ago, I haven't looked at any Darvas material yet so I am not sure if this is what you need:
  4. Re: Forex Mentor: Forex Profits With Macd Make sure you have finished downloading all the parts before extracting.
  5. Re: Forex Mentor: Forex Profits With Macd Been waiting for this one, and a big thanks for using mediafire!
  6. Re: Steve Nison - Candlestick Re-Ignited Good news .... no skipping in the video from the torrent!
  7. Re: Steve Nison - Candlestick Re-Ignited I grabbed the torrent version. I randomly checked a few files and they played - if someone can specify a video and time index of where it is skipping I will confirm.
  8. Re: Rob Booker - Forex Support and Resistance Training Don't bother trying to download using the rapid*share links if you don't have a premium account - the file sizes are over the limit for free accounts.
  9. Re: Steve Nison - Candlestick Re-Ignited I just found this torrent with plenty of seeders: http://www.h33t.com/details.php?id=1e551a2ae50b8328cde68ab7f7a81110f4d25539
  10. Re: Forex Income Engine 2.0, Bill Poulos, Profits Run All of the files in the download are dated the end of July 2009
  11. Re: [sHARE] Forex Power Strategy The links from the default.htm file are incorrect, however I tried several random video files and they played. I don't know about everyone else, but I have a LOT of training material to check out! Thank you to those who have taken the time and bandwidth making so much info available.
  12. Re: Forex Mentor: High Reward Low Risk Forex Trading Strategies I clicked through all of the course and bonus videos and they all are working :-bd
  13. Re: Forex Mentor: Position Management & Optimal Trade Entry The video files are not corrupted - something else is wrong. The flash files alone will play in the browser, but not when clicking the link from the main page. gringoh, can you reupload part3.html, part3_config.xml.htm, and part3_controller.swf to something other than Mediafire? I have seen problems caused by Mediafire in the past and would like to eliminate it as a problem. And many thanks in your efforts to bring us so much material!
  14. Re: The FibonacciSecrets™ Is it worth the trouble? See review at FPA http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fibonaccisecrets.com
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