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Posts posted by conglo

  1. Thanks for the post, but please post a download link to the indis and proper settings.


    There are two main indies. TF only H1.

    Bottom indi is xb4, optimized of course, it confirm direction of trade. If it's blue - only buy and opposite.

    Second indi are the main, white line are trigger and green lines are TP and SL.

    New cycle beginning at midnight GMT every trading day.

    Just 5 min every day. It's recommended to watching trades and cut losses if things going wrong. If we in long but didn't take TP then exit from trade when xb4 change the color to red and opposite.

    That's all.:))



  2. email to me from Soberman:



    You're officially 'in' on the NetPicks Keltner Bells Waiting List!


    While Keltner Bells isn't on the market right now, we're preparing

    to release it for the very first time in the next couple of weeks.


    Please keep an eye on your inbox for more info...



    Good Trading,


    Mark Soberman

    NetPIcks Keltner Bells



    "Very first time"? Apparently not true..

  3. I've been speaking with them, Tradestation has it's own proprietary data feed.


    You have to open a live account and fund it to even do demo trading and there's a monthly fee for the data feed.


    Interesting I wonder which data feed? If its specifically for intraday trading then this can factor hugely but if its applicable on swing trading then future market data feeds seems ubiquitous at least on the daily charts. Mind you my only experience in the futures data feed are I/Q and Zen-fire. Were probably better off asking a seller or customer on ebay about further detail questions. Also, on ebay there's a used copy for 20 dollars!
  4. He does have 2 other methods that are much less expensive.


    Quote (description of one system):


    "Instead of taking all the trades, about 100 a year, you may want to settle for the simplified version of the system that selects very special trades with a high probability of success. Trades like that can happen only a few times a year, but their combined profit is very likely to pay for the system many times over. I always look for trades like that. They took place when the market jumps over the entry level in the morning, before the daily session open at 9:30 EST, and does not return to it during the first hour of trading. If the market then breaks out of the first hour range in the direction called by the system, you take that trade. Use the same size of the stop-loss as for regular trades, although cutting it down to 2.5 pt for ER2 and 4 pts for ES should work well too. No matter the size of the stop-loss, employ a re-entry if shaken out of your position. "

  5. "Double-dip recession" is just politico-speak.


    The U.S. is and has been in a DEPRESSION and a "recovery" is wishful thinking.


    The U.S. government will not utter the "D" word as it would admit failure, which it has indeed achieved, in large part due to the two Bush administrations (thanks also to Mr. Reagan, let's not forget him, especially his squashing of PATCO. Any of you guys remember that? OH! and how about Mr. Clinton - "NAFTA"?!).


    There is no recovery, the U.S. is not IN a recovery, there will BE no recovery in the near future, we have not yet even hit bottom.


    Riots in the streets are conceivable. You think I'm crazy? I live in DETROIT. The setting of the film "Escape From New York" is now, for the first time, conceivable.

    People in my "hood" are getting more and more irate and unpredicatable.


    You should indeed be frightened.


    If the Republicans win the election in 2012 you can kiss your American @sses goodbye.




    Sorry to rant, just my 1 cent (real dollar purchasing value).



    I hope that the system picks biotechs which are expected to plunge as well as those which are expected to soar...


    With potential double dip recessions looming all over the place, now's not the time to be thinking about going long on any stocks never mind flakey research-orientated companies like biotechs ;)

  6. Sorry, don't mean to get off-topic, but this routine isn't working for me.. am I missing something..?


    When I choose any language nothings translates the imported text.


    Is there a missing step?


    This is an example of what I get:



    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}

    {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 // + \'ed\'e0 5 \'e7\'ed\'e0\'ea\'ee\'e2 \'f1\'e4\'e5\'eb\'e0\'f2\'fc \'e0\'e2\'f2\'ee\'ec\'e0\'f2\'ee\'ec \'ef\'e5\'f0\'e5\'f1\'f7\'e5\'f2 \'ef\'e0\'f0\'e0\'ec\'e5\'f2\'f0\'ee\'e2 (\'e2 \'ef\'ee\'ec\'ee\'f9\'fc \'ef\'ee\'eb\'fc\'e7\'ee\'e2\'e0\'f2\'e5\'eb\'ff\'ec \'ea\'ee\'f2\'ee\'f0\'fb\'e5 \'ed\'e5\'ea\'ee\'f0\'f0\'e5\'ea\'f2\'ed\'ee \'e2\'fb\'f1\'f2\'e0\'e2\'eb\'ff\'fe\'f2 \'ef\'e0\'f0\'e0\'ec\'e5\'f2\'f0\'fb \'e2 \'ef\'f3\'ed\'ea\'f2\'e0\'f5 \'ed\'e0 5 \'e7\'ed\'e0\'ea\'e0\'f5)\par

    // + \'f1\'e0\'ec \'ef\'ee\'e4\'e3\'f0\'f3\'e6\'e0\'e5\'f2 \'ea\'ee\'f2\'e8\'f0\'ee\'e2\'ea\'e8 \'ef\'ee \'e2\'f1\'e5\'ec \'d2\'d4, \'e2 \'f2\'e5\'f1\'f2\'e5\'f0\'e5 \'ea\'ee\'f2\'e8\'f0\'ee\'e2\'ea\'e8 \'e4\'ee\'eb\'e6\'ed\'fb \'e1\'fb\'f2\'fc \'ef\'ee\'e4\'e3\'f0\'f3\'e6\'e5\'ed\'fb \'e8 \'ef\'e5\'f0\'e5\'f1\'f7\'e8\'f2\'e0\'ed\'fb, \'e2 \'e4\'e5\'ec\'ee \'e8 \'f0\'e5\'e0\'eb\'e5, \'ed\'e0\'e4\'ee \'f7\'f3\'f2\'fc \'ef\'ee\'e4\'ee\'e6\'e4\'e0\'f2\'fc \'ef\'ee\'f1\'eb\'e5 \'e7\'e0\'ef\'f3\'f1\'ea\'e0 \'f7\'f2\'ee\'e1\'fb \'ee\'ed \'f1\'e0\'ec \'ef\'ee\'e4\'e3\'f0\'f3\'e7\'e8\'eb \'ea\'ee\'f2\'e8\'f0\'ee\'e2\'ea\'e8\par

    // + \'e1\'ee\'eb\'e5\'e5 \'ea\'ee\'f0\'f0\'e5\'ea\




    This is a rough translation:


    extern bool IsTopCorner = true; / / information box in the upper right corner?

    extern int Offset = 1; / / offset of the initial sample in the bars (to verify the reliability of prediction) [1 ..]

    extern bool IsOffsetStartFixed = true; / / Fixed a start sample

    extern bool IsOffsetEndFixed = false; / / end of the sample is fixed

    extern int PastBars = 24; / / Size of the sample in the bars, which sought to history [3 ..]

    extern int ForecastBars = 24 / / How many bars do forward prediction [1 ..]

    extern int MaxAlts = 5 / / Look for a specified number of the best examples of [1 .. 100]

    extern bool ShowCloud = true; / / Display a cloud

    extern bool ShowBestPattern = true; / / Show a sample as close as possible

    extern bool IsExactTime = true; / / Must match the time of the samples (to account for the effect of sessions)

    extern datetime MinDate = D'01 .01.2001 '/ / The minimum sample date

    extern int PeriodMA = 2 / / Periud smoothed average

    extern double ScalePercents = 90.0; / / Consider only those samples with a minimum percentage of overlap

    extern color IndicatorCloudColor = Sienna; / / color of the clouds like options

    extern color IndicatorBestPatternColor = DodgerBlue; / / The color of a similar sample

    extern color IndicatorVLinesColor = Sienna; / / color of vertical lines, the boundaries of the sample

    extern color IndicatorTextColor = MediumBlue; / / text color inf.bloka

    extern color IndicatorTextWarningColor = Tomato; / / Color of warnings in the test inf.bloke

    extern int XCorner = 5 / / Indent inf.bloka indicator on the right edge of the graph

    extern int YCorner = 5 / / Indent inf.bloka indicator from the top of the graph

    extern string FontName = "Arial"; / / Font Test inf.bloka

    extern int FontSize = 7; / / font size a Test inf.bloka


    To see this you need to open Word, then import the mq4 code as "encoded text" in the conversion box. Then select "Other encoding" and Cyrillic (auto-select) - this converts the ASCII back into Russian characters. Next just copy and paste that text into Google translate.

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