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About Doms

  • Birthday 11/30/1991

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Forex FTW

Doms's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Re: You may hate me for telling you this I think that I'm the luckiest guy because i have friends that make mistakes instead me. I am not able to work real due to my low age and I work only on demo.... mostly observing behavior of my indis. I have friend which lost his whole account because his crappy MM. We use almost the same systems so I can compare my and his working. He's now 2 years in forex business and I'm now 9 months. I know English pretty well, but he doesn't know sh*t so I progressed much faster \m/ Learn on your friends mistakes, not yours 8-)
  2. Re: How Long You've Been in Business? 8 months of practice and developing system.... Now starting to work for real. I hope I'll be able to handle it before having brain stroke...
  3. Re: Are You Femme Traders? I really haven't seen any fem trader.... I know one that tried if it counts :D but quit in few weeks X_X
  4. Re: FXopen A SCAM!!! traders do NOT go with them! My friend gave me proofs that fxOpen Is scam. They're making spikes that doesn't exist. I'll post proofs later. He compared 2 graphs from different brokers.
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