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Everything posted by BhaiSahib

  1. Re: JadeFX Anyone use them? Hi Loulou, Yes I did withdraw from Jade....absolutely effortless with monies back in my bank account within 24 hours and that was with an international wire transfer....quite impressive! Not quite sure what you mean regarding your 2nd question? However, Demo and live accounts do run in paralell, the only difference in the live account is that slippage on the live trades is marginally different from the demo account ...in fact I have 2 live accounts to run different EA's and keep histories separate.jade will set up multiple accounts for you if you wish...takes only a few minutes.All my emails were answered within minutes. Hint: if you wish to set up multiple accounts only fund 1 account and then get Jade to internally transfer money for you from 1 account to another.This will save bank charges if you transfer direct from your bank to your Jade account. I realise that this posting may sound very pro-jade but the fact is that my dealings with Jade have been totally frictionless. my only concern with Jade is that because they are a new business they do not have a track record and I suppose are more vulnerable to the problems that any new small business will face. Plus side is that any new start up business usually will provide excellent service as they stand to loose more if they don't....Once again I would recommend giving them a go as they seem to be genuinely interested in providing a state of the art Forex platform and service
  2. Re: JadeFX Anyone use them? Hi Chankl, I was using poison on Jade .Lost heaps.....not because of jade but because of EA.
  3. Re: JadeFX Anyone use them? I have 2 accounts with Jade . I organised transfer from 1 account to another and it was completed in 2 minutes....excellent service. I organised a wthdrawal on friday and it was out of my Jade account in 5 minutes and appeared in my bank account Monday.....Absolutely no complaints here....I don't understand why more people aren't using them!!! At this point in time I would give Jade 5 stars for service. Their data feed is better than anyother broker that I have found. If anyone knows of a better more reliable broker please let me know.
  4. Re: JadeFX Anyone use them? I opened an account with them....easiest account opening ever...simple form fillin plus scan and attach ID.Total time less than 20 minutes.Reply within 2 hours .Funding took 1 day using Bank wire.Demo and Live accounts are essentially identical...Great spreads.They have removed need to trade 20 lots/month.Commission is .5pip per round trade. I do not know of better spreads for the retail trader. Only problem is that they are a new company and untried but in my opinion definitely worth a look if considering using EA's
  5. Re: FXPP Auto Trader v2 for 5000$ Thanks for the posting...I notice that the indicators in the download differ from the indicators mentioned in the setting up PDFe.g Make sure that: 1. the AutoTrader (green oval) is visible in the Experts folder in the Navigator window on the left. It will be labeled “fxpp(at) - - -.” 2. QuantumACC, QuantumLines, QuantumMos,QuantumSafetyLine, and QuantumSignals are visible in the Custom Indicators file (blue rectangle). These do not have to be attached to the charts for the AutoTrader to function properly, but they MUST appear in the Custom Indicators file. If they are not present, reinstall the AutoTrader. Are the 3 indicators in the download sufficent or do we require these other indicators?
  6. Re: A must see for any serious investor Sorry i haven't got PDF or Slides but you can get a free 2 month trial subscription to most of the info and graphs + others here .... https://www.seasonaltrader.com/subscribe.aspx Please note ,I am not trying to promote this site... just providing the link to what I consider to be a very useful resource. Will post any new free webinars if they come up......BhaiSahib
  7. Hi all, would like to offer a free online video which I consider to be well worth a watch especially for anyone looking for some potentially very profitable set ups in the markets at present,,,,,,I am posting this in the spirit of gratitude for all of you who contribute to this forum with a similar spirit . Because this presentation lasts about 90 minutes I wouldn't normally bother watching it let alone recomend it, but I guarantee the presenter will blow your mind with his clarity as to where some of the markets are at present and the opportunities which are currently in play......I hope some of you take the time to view it as it may precipitate some great trading opportunities for you to exploit and perhaps to explore and share to our mutual benefit http://www.designlabinteractive.com/nwp/MARKET_FORECAST/MARKET_FORECAST.html
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