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  1. Each of these locations have problems. Can files be relocated to a problem free site?
  2. CAUTION. One of these files had a virus (the one labeled "high speed"). It would not open, and I got a virus message from my security software. I didn't try the others.
  3. I think the dilemma is that the activities of the market makers are kept hidden during the early (sideways) accumulation stage. You may be able to determine during the following manipulation stage in what direction the market makers were accumulating. That could be by determining a move in the unintended direction to acquire more positions. But "how" to do that in specific terms is left vague or undefined. Ultimately the true direction is revealed, the purpose of which is to unload (profit) by inducing the normal crowd to buy or sell. The market makers are liquidating while the public is taking new positions. It seems to me that this points to the function of the PAT software. There is a lot of similarity between the Cole concept and that of Mauro. In particular that the market makers are driving the direction of the market. However, Cole does not rely on "patterns", and is critical of their use.
  4. The missing ingredient seems to be an understanding of the PAT software, what it depicts, and how the bars are constructed. I wonder if Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) is another path to the same information.
  5. Yesakhtar: Oh! That's pretty subtle. Thanks.
  6. It would be interesting to know more about the methodology, and whether a viewer can make practical use of the material without the additional software.
  7. What are specific objections to the course? They state they present 5 methods for different markets. The videos on one method seems logical.
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