outside of this forum. It does not mean that I cannot or won't communicate with others here. I am just looking for a core group of folks to strengthen our internet marketing skills together.
I live in Brooklyn, New York. So, if there are any folks here from the area, that would be even be better.
Why? Well, too often newbies have to go the 'make money online' journey alone. Of course There is nothing wrong with that, if you were some sort of expert before coming online. The problem is, what about the rest of us who want to be successful who are not getting the opportunity to be around the pros. So, I think the solution is: Combining the forces of like-minded individual's resources.
And I will leave it at that for now. If anyone bothered to read this, please let me know if it is okay to PM you. And if you (the reader) are wondering what I would have to offer the team, I will give you two words: Knowledge & Wisdom.
My email: naform |at| gmail |dot| com
Looking forward 'hearing' from you.