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  1. Re: Trading in the Buff course by John Templeton thanks flib for the quick reply from your reply i think i've an idea of how to trade this method even on one timeframe: say i want to trade only on the dailies, i determine the trend on the higher timeframes(weekly, monthly) and also watch out for a pattern there, if i see one, then i drop to my preferred timeframe(daily) and prepare my trade, via a corresponding pattern in the direction of the trend(determined from the higher timeframes). this way i'll be trading with the bigger picture(overall trend) in mind. what do you think?
  2. Re: Trading in the Buff course by John Templeton i've a question: in chapter 6, under the ways of trading this method, he talks about finding the trend and tradiing with the trend as described in steps 1-4. but he's silent on precisely how to put in a trade when you've discovered a 123pattern which is my question actually. how do you trade that pattern after discovering the trend direction. is it via the support and resistance or countertrades? how do the experienced users on this forum trade the pattern? :-/ also if trading via support and resistance, isn't it possible for price to not come near your entry thereby missing out on what may have been a good trade? lastly, is there a way of trading this strategy on one timeframe, say maybe the daily for instance? many thanks in advance.
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