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Everything posted by shawnh

  1. Dear Shenong, on one of your old dvds/cds, would you happen to have any of the software from meyersanalytics.c0m please? Thanks! Shawn
  2. Just wondering if anyone else using TradeStation 9.5 has gotten this error while trying to run an optimization on a 3rd party data (ascii) chart. I can bring up the chart fine and apply a strategy to it and run a backtest fine, so it would seem like my attributes.INI file is okay... but it gives this error msg when I try to run an optimization on it. Thanks! S
  3. Would anyone be able to possibly upload this again? Thanks so much.
  4. Hello all, would anyone have an educated version of this indicator as shown here: https://www.mql5.c0m/en/market/product/49174 Thanks! shawnh
  5. Does anyone remember that old software from back in the 90's "NAVA Patterns"? It was a very old DOS-based thing, but would paint out predictive forecasts on a chart based on past stats. I'm looking around for something that will do a similar thing - I found www.intelicharts.com that seems to be sort of like it - it tacks on a probable forecast based on stats to the end of a price chart. Would anyone have this program... or have suggestions about something similar to it? Thanks Shawn
  6. Does anyone know where to find this? Doing just a bit of googling, it seems there is a version floating around: ESignal Advanced GET Edition Ver. 11 Crack BiGStoRm.rar ... but am unable to find a working download link for it. Would anyone know anything about this please? Thanks! Shawn
  7. Hello all, I am using the educated v9.1.0.1 End-of-Day version available here on the forum, and "Training Mode" (ie. replay mode) does not work for me. Everything else seems fine though. Has anyone else had this problem, and maybe a solution please? To have the Training Mode working would be very nice for back testing... Thanks! Shawn
  8. Would anyone have the software (or manual) of the quite old "Prime-Line" system? The old and now dead website was www.prime-line.com Thanks! Shawn
  9. [email protected] Would anyone know if this has been educated? Thanks Shawn
  10. Hi guys, I'm looking for a way to scan my specific basket of stocks (about 95) for end-of-day double top patterns. Either a web-based or software based solution... it doesn't matter. I looked at Finviz.com, but it seems they only detect the double-top "after the fact". By that time, it is kind of too late. I found that Amibroker has a scanner that can detect double-tops... has anyone tried it? Thanks! Shawn
  11. That is fantastic Ralph... thank you so much! Cheers Shawn
  12. By gosh Ralph, I think that might be it! In the video it says it's from 1997, but I reckon it is the same seminar as the one mentioned in the Advanced GET manual as the "1996 seminar". Thanks so much for that! Would you know where to find the other videos of that series? Thanks! Shawn
  13. Thanks very much Sixer! Lotsa good stuff there. Cheers Shawn
  14. Thank you Sixer. I found this while digging around in the stuff from Andrey: http://www.traders-software.com/Screenshots/Advanced%20Get%2012.0.3598%20x64%20(Dec%202014)%20for%20Any%20eSignal%20Account%20(esignal.com)/Instruction.txt Here it mentions that he has the videos (I think) that I am looking for: "Advanced Get Seminar (Video 1.74 GB) (tradingech.com)" That website doesn't come up, but maybe this is the video series I am looking for... Cheers Shawn
  15. Hi guys, wondering if anyone has the very ancient "Advanced GET Seminar Videos" from way back in 1996? The User's Manual discusses them and sounds like they are quite useful to understanding Advanced GET better. Thanks! Shawn
  16. Hi guys... have any of you ever created any strategies or studies using the MotiveWave Java Software Development Kit (SDK)? I can program in Delphi but have never dipped my foot into Java before - but I reckon I could slog my way through it. There are a couple of programming samples at: [email protected]/support/sdk.htm ... but nothing for a strategy that uses a stop loss and profit target - which is what I'd like to implement. Would anyone have any example code that I could use as a kick-start and build from please? Thanks! Shawn
  17. Hi Group, would anyone have experience in working with Wave59 with forex symbols? I am trying to retrieve forex data from my IB connection using History59 with no luck. I know the syntax for retrieving a stock from IB is like AAPL_STK_SMART and that works fine... but don't know how for forex. Thanks! Shawn
  18. Hi guys, does nyone know where exactly the History59 module stores the data it accumulates? I am wondering if this accumulated data is in a readable text format and can be accessed by other softwares. Thanks! Shawn
  19. Hi guys, I'm trying to output the bar-by-bar values of the "Planet Rise Harmonics" indicator in Wave 59 after I apply it to a chart. I know there is already a built-in function to do this - "Output Indicator to Ascii", but this requires that the indicator must also have a corresponding "function" in Wave 59 - which the "Planet Rise Harmonics" indicator does not. Would anyone know of any kind of "trick" in Wave 59 to do this? Thanks! Shawn
  20. Hello guys, would anyone know about the "mechanical system" from Wave59 as shown in the following screenshot? (which I captured while viewing one of the Wave59 instructional videos) https://anonfile.com/A1u3Nfbbba/Wace59MechanicalSystem.jpg Thanks! Shawn
  21. Guys, I am playing around with varying the "Planetary" and "Exchange" Harmonics values (see link to screenshot below) to see what effect they will have on Wave59's Natal Forecast indicator for the S&P. I was wondering - should the numbers entered in those fields follow the "laws of good harmonics" and be only numbers that divide evenly into 360? For instance, 72,60,45,40,36,30,24 and so forth? Or can any number be used here with good effect? https://anonfile.com/q0l7M2bab5/natal.jpg Thanks Shawn
  22. Hello all, it seems there is a version of AbleTrend 7.0 that can use Interactive Brokers as data feed: https://www.wintick.com/docs/Instructions_for_IB_Data.pdf However the version I have (v7.08.046) does not support that. Please see screenshot here: https://anonfile.com/969aEdb6b7/abletrend.jpg Would anyone have the AbleTrend 7.0 version that supports Interactive Brokers please? Thanks Shawn
  23. Hello guys, I've been playing around with Advanced GET 9.1 EOD Dashboard version, trying to get it working with intraday data. After some rough patches and trial and error, I think I have things working fairly smoothly. I'd like to share what I've learned with others who may be in the same boat. I use the technique of getting real-time data from an MT4 demo... this method is explained in another thread. Since AG EOD can't accommodate the "time" field of a bar, the MT4 intraday data has to be converted to "pseudo" daily data via an MT4 indicator placed on the intraday charts. Works well, but I lamented the fact that once I viewed the data charted in AG, I could no longer see the correct date/time of a bar. So I did some modifcations of the original MT4 indicator to put the proper date/time stamp of each bar in the VOLUME field instead. So if you don't need the VOLUME in any of your analysis, this is for you. Here is the modified indicator for MT4: https://anonfile.com/f040Bfbebe/AgetDataDatestamp.rar When placed on a MT4 chart, it will output an ascii file to your MT4 installation folder in the "Files" subfolder. Now, when you open up a chart in AG using this data (and select the "Volume" study), you see this: https://anonfile.com/gf40Bcb9bf/ShowDatestamp.jpg Way down there at the lower left will be the proper DateTime stamp of the bar your crosshair is placed over... instead of the Volume figure. I like to grab the upper border of the Volume study pane and drag it down so just the DateTime value shows. It seems to work pretty good, but alas, it suffers the same fate as all studies placed on AG charts once you close down AG and restart it - they disappear or are disabled. You'll notice that the Volume study is still there at the bottom, but scrolling the crosshairs won't change the value. Quick fix: just right click over the word VOLUME. click "Properties", then "Apply" and OK. It will come back to life. Easier than deleting the whole study and putting it back on. At first I had AG on my Vista desktop and I struggled to try and get it working half-decently. Constant freeze-ups, very slow page loading, etc. I tried it instead on my older and slower XP laptop and it seems to work *much* better. And here is probably the most important thing I discovered to make closing/re-opening AG work quick and smooth - the power of the PAGE|NEW PAGE button! When you're in AG and working on a page of charts (I have 6 charts open in the one page I have - 3 AAPL and 3 SPY) and ready to exit and re-open, follow these exact steps (works for me!): - Save your page using PAGE|SAVE PAGE (... or Save as) - click PAGE|NEW PAGE to clear out the screen (*always* do this just before closing up AG!) - Close up AG, when it asks "Save the current page", click NO. (you've already saved it) To re-open AG, I have a small batch file already prepared that suppresses the loading of the eSignal module. This seems to save a lot of headaches and freeze-ups. Put the following in your batch file (ie. a .BAT file, and just place it on your desktop): CD \ CD Program Files\Advanced GET EOD start AdvancedGETEOD.exe /d That's it. Launch that... AG will fire right up quickly to an empty screen, thanks to you doing the NEW PAGE thing prior to your last exiting. Go to PAGE|LOAD PAGE and load up your page and those charts should come right up pretty quickly. Another small error I got en route to figuring stuff out was the one below: https://anonfile.com/e749B7b5b3/AGerror.jpg To solve that, I would open up my page of charts, then do a SAVE AS, saving them under a new page name. Then deleting the old page. That took care of it. So I find now, finally, this works pretty good. Not perfect, but it's quite usable. Still remaining is the annoying thing of why the studies disappear off the charts everytime you shut down/restart. The drawn objects however - like the MOB and TJ's Ellipse remain. Hope this helped someone... Shawn
  24. Would anyone know please, of an MT4 broker that offers trading of the SPY stock? Not just the SPX index, but the SPY stock/CFD. Thanks Shawn
  25. Hello Group... I have installed MotiveWave v4.2.24 the other day (thank you Shenong). Has anyone else noticed that the Elliott Wave counts from different time frames sometimes do not "agree" with one another and are not in sync? It makes it hard to trust any analysis when one time frame says it is going in one direction, and another time frame says the opposite. Please have a look at the 2 screenshots attached of the intraday SPY action for today (Apr. 10). On the 5 minute chart, we have a count forecasting a decline down to around 231. But on the 1 hour chart EW forecast, it shows no move at all down to 231, but a rise up into the 240's. Very strange, no? Nice software MotiveWave - but such results make it kind of hard to trust! Has anyone else also experienced this.... maybe I am just doing something fundamentally wrong somewhere... https://anonfile.com/deA70db2b5/MW5min.jpg https://anonfile.com/e1A501bdbb/MW1hour.jpg Thanks! Shawn
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