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  1. Re: The Golden Nuggets Of Master Trading Ok, exact steps using FireFox: 1, use your brain 2, open link in new tab/window 3, click on free download button nothing happened so: 4, open page source: menu>view>page source 5, search page source for part of the file like "Nuggets" or "Gold" second hit bring the right link to the file: ('Your download link','download_link'); Regs, Lego
  2. Re: The Golden Nuggets Of Master Trading Ok, I didnt think it will be bound to IP, so look at the page source of the download page (Firefox>View> PageSource), you can find it there. Regs, Lego
  3. Re: The Golden Nuggets Of Master Trading Try: http://c2.qshare.com/free2/5E4007164CF3E5E3BE8280C514BD826EDF358FC0/ikh41r698hg8thnsnpeemf30o6/1/856968/1247640338/7200/The.Golden.Nuggets.Of.Master.Trading.Part.1.rar [url]http://c1.qshare.com/free2/4FD137E16C54831FE79C9B46C95639C6543D4432/ikh41r698hg8thnsnpeemf30o6/1/856970/1247640494/7200/The.Golden.Nuggets.Of.Master.Trading.Part.2.rar[/url] Regs, Lego
  4. Re: Market Matrix Well, I have no problem admitting Im an idiot :) or ignorant or whatever, but in order to do that I need solid proof that Im wrong. So far your statement "It's a really valuable approach" is worth nothing without proof, show me the facts, if you can :D what I pretty much doubt. Other than that...... And, however, you should red the delta and matrix books before expressing your opinion about them, so you would know that matrix is a continuation of delta with added Fibonacci and Elliott flavor. Regs, Lego btw. what that got to do who invented delta? edit: ps: thank you luc32, I honestly didnt know what Ocean is, but now, thanks to you I know :) Holly cow, it is big, read this: "if a market has moved up for awhile and then down (or the reverse), the theory can tell you if this is likely to be a retracement in a trend or the beginning of a new trend. It can do this in any time frame" Wall Street was waiting for something like that since the beginning of time, kudos to Sloman, he is better than Nash, Nobel price guarantied.
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