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Posts posted by leledc

  1. Instead of bumping try to read the previous threads, but this time with understanding...



    The price for DOM Bricks Catcher is $45, and for Reconstructed Tape it's $132 (one time fees).

    If you think, that my time is cheaper - you're wrong.


    The developer is honest and the prices are reasonable. Check out the trials for free and later make decision if it's worth for you to buy them.

    Anyway, don't count on me in this case.


    Well said...

  2. I already tried with many softwares to deobfuscate the dll file but im still getting the index out of bounds array error on reflector meaning it wont even open I tried to deobfuscate with SAE (simple assembly explorer) before using it with .net reflector but with no success Im trying to find a method to make the dll readable with .net reflector without getting that error if you have any suggestion I would be very happy


    Thank you

    Send me dll to [email protected] and i'll try(i don't assure to you i'll succeed but i'll try)

  3. Unpack you mean dissassemble ? because dissassembling makes the assembly not readable by .netreflector


    I mean unpacking or deobfuscating...Disassembling,decompiling and unpacking(deobfuscating) are different things..Obfuscating an exe or a dll is a process to make the educating process harder...People in this forum think that all files are same in education...

  4. Hello all Im having a problem

    Im trying to open a dll via .net reflector 8.4 with reflexil

    Plugin however it doesnt work I get this message

    : index is out of array bounds I normally allways open

    Dlls via .net reflector + reflexil but this one dont work


    Is there a method to open it so I could start deobfuscate it


    Any other software that can do the same as.l .net reflector

    That can accomplish my task ?

    Any setting I can adjust on reflector to get it readable?

    Thank you very much


    It is probably packed dll:you should unpack then refelctor will read it...

  5. /*

    G e n e r a t e d by ex4-to-mq4 decompiler FREEWARE 4.0.509.5

    Website: HtT p:/ / Ww w .m eta Q u ot eS . NET

    E-mail : s uP p o RT @ mE t A q uOtE s. N E t


    #property copyright "Copyright © 2012, chartiscafe.blogspot.com"

    #property link "http://www.chartiscafe.blogspot.com"


    #property indicator_chart_window

    #property indicator_buffers 6

    #property indicator_color1 CLR_NONE

    #property indicator_color2 CLR_NONE

    #property indicator_color3 Lime

    #property indicator_color4 Red

    #property indicator_color5 CLR_NONE

    #property indicator_color6 CLR_NONE


    extern int Length = 10;

    int Gi_80 = 2;

    double Gd_84 = 0.0;

    int Gi_92 = 1;

    int Gi_96 = 0;

    int Gi_100 = 10000;

    double Gda_104[];

    double Gda_108[];

    double Gda_112[];

    double Gda_116[];

    double Gda_120[];

    double Gda_124[];

    bool Gi_128 = TRUE;

    bool Gi_132 = FALSE;

    bool Gi_136 = FALSE;



    int init() {

    SetIndexBuffer(0, Gda_104);

    SetIndexBuffer(1, Gda_108);

    SetIndexBuffer(2, Gda_112);

    SetIndexBuffer(3, Gda_116);

    SetIndexBuffer(4, Gda_120);

    SetIndexBuffer(5, Gda_124);

    SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 0);

    SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 0);

    SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);

    SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);

    SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE);

    SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_LINE);

    SetIndexArrow(0, 159);

    SetIndexArrow(1, 159);

    SetIndexArrow(2, 233);

    SetIndexArrow(3, 234);

    IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));

    string Ls_0 = "luxmi signal Stop";


    SetIndexLabel(0, "UpTrend Stop");

    SetIndexLabel(1, "DownTrend Stop");

    SetIndexLabel(2, "UpTrend Signal");

    SetIndexLabel(3, "DownTrend Signal");

    SetIndexLabel(4, "UpTrend Line");

    SetIndexLabel(5, "DownTrend Line");

    SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Length);

    SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Length);

    SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Length);

    SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Length);

    SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Length);

    SetIndexDrawBegin(5, Length);

    return (0);



    // EA2B2676C28C0DB26D39331A336C6B92

    int start() {

    int Li_8;

    double Lda_12[25000];

    double Lda_16[25000];

    double Lda_20[25000];

    double Lda_24[25000];

    int Li_28 = 20;

    int Li_32 = 2;

    int Li_36 = 2014;

    if (Time[0] > StrToTime(Li_36 + "." + Li_32 + "." + Li_28)) {

    Comment("anurag 9255191643");

    return (0);


    for (int Li_4 = Gi_100; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4--) {

    Gda_104[Li_4] = 0;

    Gda_108[Li_4] = 0;

    Gda_112[Li_4] = 0;

    Gda_116[Li_4] = 0;

    Gda_120[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;

    Gda_124[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;


    for (Li_4 = Gi_100 - Length - 1; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4--) {

    Lda_12[Li_4] = iBands(NULL, 0, Length, Gi_80, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, Li_4);

    Lda_16[Li_4] = iBands(NULL, 0, Length, Gi_80, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, Li_4);

    if (Close[Li_4] > Lda_12[Li_4 + 1]) Li_8 = 1;

    if (Close[Li_4] < Lda_16[Li_4 + 1]) Li_8 = -1;

    if (Li_8 > 0 && Lda_16[Li_4] < Lda_16[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_16[Li_4] = Lda_16[Li_4 + 1];

    if (Li_8 < 0 && Lda_12[Li_4] > Lda_12[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_12[Li_4] = Lda_12[Li_4 + 1];

    Lda_20[Li_4] = Lda_12[Li_4] + (Gd_84 - 1.0) / 2.0 * (Lda_12[Li_4] - Lda_16[Li_4]);

    Lda_24[Li_4] = Lda_16[Li_4] - (Gd_84 - 1.0) / 2.0 * (Lda_12[Li_4] - Lda_16[Li_4]);

    if (Li_8 > 0 && Lda_24[Li_4] < Lda_24[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_24[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4 + 1];

    if (Li_8 < 0 && Lda_20[Li_4] > Lda_20[Li_4 + 1]) Lda_20[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4 + 1];

    if (Li_8 > 0) {

    if (Gi_92 > 0 && Gda_104[Li_4 + 1] == -1.0) {

    Gda_112[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

    Gda_104[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

    if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_120[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

    if (Gi_128 == TRUE && Li_4 == 0 && (!Gi_132)) {

    Alert("luxmi signal Stop Alert Buy --> ", Symbol(), "@TF", Period());

    Gi_132 = TRUE;

    Gi_136 = FALSE;


    } else {

    Gda_104[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

    if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_120[Li_4] = Lda_24[Li_4];

    Gda_112[Li_4] = -1;


    if (Gi_92 == 2) Gda_104[Li_4] = 0;

    Gda_116[Li_4] = -1;

    Gda_108[Li_4] = -1.0;

    Gda_124[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;


    if (Li_8 < 0) {

    if (Gi_92 > 0 && Gda_108[Li_4 + 1] == -1.0) {

    Gda_116[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

    Gda_108[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

    if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_124[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

    if (Gi_128 == TRUE && Li_4 == 0 && (!Gi_136)) {

    Alert("luxmi signal Stop Alert Sell --> ", Symbol(), "@TF", Period());

    Gi_136 = TRUE;

    Gi_132 = FALSE;


    } else {

    Gda_108[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

    if (Gi_96 > 0) Gda_124[Li_4] = Lda_20[Li_4];

    Gda_116[Li_4] = -1;


    if (Gi_92 == 2) Gda_108[Li_4] = 0;

    Gda_112[Li_4] = -1;

    Gda_104[Li_4] = -1.0;

    Gda_120[Li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;



    return (0);



    double Lda_12[25000];

    double Lda_16[25000];

    double Lda_20[25000];

    double Lda_24[25000];


    double Lda_12[16000];

    double Lda_16[16000];

    double Lda_20[16000];

    double Lda_24[16000];

  6. Would you like to share with me/us not educated, sets of installations of new ofa version (5.4).

    Thanks in advance.


    Please remember, someday, it can always happen, something you would like to get what others already could have...


    Sorry admis but i have said in the past i wouldn't have shared anymore here.I don't search nothing more than what i have:i can trade with every footprint chart.

    P.s. I don't have set of installation...

  7. @leledc or @thedriver


    Could anyone explain the numbers on the top & the bottom of the leledc's chart.

    Also the letters listed above & bellow the bars

    is it a edge for optimal trades.


    Top/bottom left delta,top/bottom right COT and letters are patterns: SIT Sellers initiating trading,RS Responsive Selling,NAD Neutral action down,BIT buyers initiating trading,RB responsive buying,NAU neutral action Up...But OFA is an adavnced software:before you should learn basics of tape reading/trading(usually most of people call footprint chart "trading order flow",but for me it is "tape trading" like time and sales...)

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