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Posts posted by captaindancow

  1. Re: Simple Trading Strategy


    No, it should be SELL, remember bottom mean negative area, you must trade opposite of occupied pairs.

    I see , I get it now ... your answer is really a great help for me

    couldn't wait to try this strategy on my demos, perhaps you could attach some trading examples to make it more clearer in opening and exiting the trade while trading conditions appear begitu?

    once again ... keep on sir ...

  2. Re: Simple Trading Strategy



    6. If a SELL pair occupied the top (position 1) then you trade it short, and vice versa.


    7. If a BUY pair occupied the bottom (position 14) then you trade it short, and vice versa.



    Michael L


    hi qbetechmark , thanks for the strategy, but I have a question for number 7 ...

    since my English isn't good and I'm rather confuse ...

    is it suppose to be opening buy positions rather than short positions, isn't it ?

    cause from what I read on number 6, we will open short when Sell Pairs occupies the Top Positions.

    Thank you for your strategy sharing and for your help.


    keep on .... :-bd

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