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Everything posted by wodwave

  1. Re: Bill Poulos Next Forex Courses (Daytrading) it looks interesting...as soon someone share it we can see if it is really great a email from bill poulos Shortly after the first batch of my Forex Income Engine home study courses began to ship a few weeks ago, I've been getting a steady stream of GREAT comments from my new students. I thought I'd share a few with you, so you can hear what others think of my new course. These are 'raw & unedited', just as I received them: --- "Hi Bill, I know you will probably hear it a lot, but just to let you know that on my first paper trading tryout with the methods I racked up 46 pips in 3 trades of maybe 10-30 minutes each. One in 15 min candles, and the others in 5 min candles. If my trade account would permit, that would have been $460USD, or in home country dollars, about $867 NZD. One trade before dinner and two since. ciao 4 now. thanks 4 your methods. john k."* "Your videos are excellent. I had some reservation about the complexity of this method but I can see that it is not that difficult once you master it... I am very glad I purchased your product... Keep up the great work. David K." "Thus far am very pleased with the method. Every trader has heard the old axiom to 'bu y on a dip and sell on a rally'. The problem for me with that saying has always been that I had difficulty telling the difference between a pullback and a price reversal. I am particularly impressed with the rules of this method that help distinguish that difference. So far I have had four wi nning trades and no losses on my demo account and am up about 3% after 3 days of trading. I look forward to seeing how the method works this coming week. Thanks for a terrific course! Steve J."
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