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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Dennis and ALL CIF members, Thanks for your response and TIPs too. Update so far, I've already met some great folks here! AND having fun too, in the process...........that's one thing that I keep forgetting: You don't have to work harder (it's a myth), just smarter, and HAVE FUN too! Hey, maybe I'll put that in my SIG too.... Anyway. figuring out how to move around here in the CIF forum, slowly but surely........ Oh, I know what I wanted to say--yes, about: Losses.....I've had some already. Yes, some major ones in the last few years, since I realized "the buck stops here" and it's up to ME to change my financial situation. That began in May 2001 when my Dad passed away. I read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" around the same time too (all before 911 even). And started a new JOB then too. And I figure ALL these major losses are all part of my FINANCIAL FREEDOM LEARNING CURVE. I joined a direct sales program--convinced I could succeed. Oops, the learning curve was longer than I tho't...... Oh, well, no matter--cuz I got a great return on my investment (ROI) by learning more about me and about turning the lemons into lemonade. In the process, I quit that JOB too (4-1/2 yrs later) essentially "early retirement" for me, so now I can say I am "retired"! Can't beat that?.........:-) After continuing to think 'network marketing' in some fashion was the path to financial freedom for me--I have now changed direction! I'm turning my attention and focused interest to PASSIVE investing.........it seems more to my liking (the analytical side) and simpler, in some ways, which makes a better fit for me too! Simpler is often better--that's another one I keep rediscovering too. Anyway......that's enuf for now..... THANKS CIF!
  2. I'm fairly new to forums........so be gentle if I mess-up :-) Currently I'm most interested in passive ways to EARN and make my money work harder for me. Recent programs I've put 'limited' amounts into, so far, with only small returns to date are: TDU (Thirty Dollar Unit, now private), Global Pension Plan (now closed), Excel Prestige (RPP, reverse pension plan, closing soon) GNI (Gold Nugget Investment), Silver Lodge (now private)... Two of the above, however, have had positive news in the last few days through sources I consider reliable. And I would have significant-to-me returns on each, once they payout. In the meantime, I wish to keep learning and educating myself thru forums like CIF. I want to also find other PASSIVE programs to consider, so I can diversify my investment strategies and grow my assets (modest as they are, at this time) in SHORT and LONG-TERM mechanisms.... Any suggestions, comments? Jamie
  3. Skylady, Thanks for your tho'tful ideas & suggestions. I'm new here and most recently looking at PASSIVE ways to make my money work harder for me. I'm excited and inspired by some of my recent learnings and discoveries I've made toward this end. Just new at seeing how helpful FORUMs like CIF can be to my education in this regard I am just now learning how to use these FORUMs for my own research and due diligence. I am not familiar with MONITORs, as you suggested, tho'--can you add a little more for me on that? What they are and how to use them, as you've recommended in your "Play Safe" discussion. THX, Jamie
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