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Everything posted by StefGrig

  1. Yep the design and of curse the stable Plan looks tempting.:)
  2. Warm wellcome from me and have fun making some money.:)
  3. Warm wellcome from me and have fun making some money.:)
  4. Warm, wellcome to our Comunity, Dear Jimmy. From Romania, right?:)
  5. Warm wellcome from me.Have fun making some money.:)
  6. Warm wellcome from me.:):)
  7. Nope, Stef is in the house. :P
  8. Nice golden watch you have there, Bekali :P
  9. Yeah, warm wellcome from me also.:)
  10. Yeah, Rick. I'm happy too. CIF is sky rocketing lately.:)
  11. Warm wellcome from me. Have fun making the money.:)
  12. Warm wellcome from me. Have fun making the money.:)
  13. Happy birthday!

    all the best,


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  14. Glad to have you here :). I'm sure you will find your answers.
  15. Warm wellcome from me and enjoy staying here, Black Soul....
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