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Everything posted by Talha123

  1. Binary Options are a simple way to trade the price fluctuations in the global markets. A trader decides the movement of a particular asset and places a trade in that particular direction. If the trader analyses that the market will go up he will invest in a CALL option for a set expiry and vice versa. If the trader’s analysis is right and at the expiry the price is above the strike price for a CALL the trader successfully wins the trade. A win will give a return of 70-85% on the investment. A binary option investment can vary from a very short period to a long period of time. The type of binary option investments are : Classic Options, Turbo Options, Touch/No Touch, One Touch. You can find all the details here:  Best Options Broker
  2. Many people asked me for a forex trading keyboard, and today I will share about this. I love to use a forex trading keyboard which is Free. It's called Free Forex keyboard for Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5, with over 78 shortcut functions. The website is http://www.forexkeyboard.com/   The solution is two parts a fast optimized ea that runs in MT4 or mt5 and a software virtual keyboard for windows PC. The software is completely free for the first 1000 users so far there have over 600 registrations. And will be launching end of January. In the medium term they will be making a physical forex keyboard.   So, get this when it's become too late.   Thanks.Â
  3. Eg: Looking for apartments in a new city? Make sure to reverse image search any images to avoid scams. Just Upload your image or find through url Try Reverse image search Now
  4. Sometimes brokers are not content just to have you dealing on their spreads. In this case, they might charge a commission or fee for each transaction. Sometimes these are calculated on a per transaction basis or on a volume dealt basis. Additional fees might be involves in making withdrawals or deposits, so be sure to check that information to minimize your transaction costs. Get Best all of them here http://alpari.com
  5. Decide Your Filing Status Determine your tax filing status as either an options and futures trader or an over-the-counter trader. Options and futures traders are typically career traders that operate with consistently high net profits. They receive a tax break on their gains and profits that are over 12 percent. Alternatively, over-the-counter traders receive a tax break on losses. Report Your Income Report your options and futures trading income on IRS Form 1040 under your capital gains and losses. If you file your taxes as an over-the-counter Forex trader, report your income as "other income" on IRS Form 1040.Read more here http://alpari.com/
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