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About gimmehunny

  • Birthday 05/25/1974

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thxs iolite.. ozzy n bali r not so far away ;) i'm still wondering though.. what's the icon mean? (pls see my prev post) cheers B)
  2. sorry.. haven't been around for a while.. quite busy in 'the real world' (as i consider this as 'utopia' :D ) @realtimerick.. wonderful place to live is a place where we feel belonged.. ;) i wished i can have more vacation times.. just like all the tourists here in Bali.. :lol: btw, i've noticed that the icon on my topic is a bit different than others (with a pencil on the envelope?!).. i hope that makes me 'special' (anyway, what does it mean?)
  3. hi hitchin, it's been nearly 3 month since ur 1st post. i wonder how's ur deal workin out? hope everythin's cool.. coz i'd like to vote if it's still running.. g'luck, H.
  4. all thumbs up, sky lady.. thxs a lot.. i've PMed u back ^_^ geee.. i've started to feel belong.. ;) @cbconti.. hi christina, thxs 4 the welcome..
  5. thxs for all the warm welcomes.. i'm kinda new in this business, so please mind me if i happened to ask something everybody should have known about.. for example, i'm still trying to figure out how to put my signature on or how to import/link a banner as my signature (as i did in some other forum).. just like my pic.. i can put it on with some assistance from austin anyway.. it's a busy world of business.. i wonder how could everyone have sometime to relax.. as here in Bali, everyday is Sunday (though it's quite rainy at this moment of time).. ^_^ so.. if ever anyone wants to have a vacation from this busy world, remember.. hunny is here in Bali to give u a very warm welcome by any chance.. :peace: ;)
  6. gimmehunny from the land of Gods.. personally thx austin for the photo suggestion.. hi to all bros n sis here.. n for all moderators in charge.. ur guidance will all be highly appreciated.. salam, H.
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