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Everything posted by cookiek

  1. Hi Vivian, Glad to see you are in here!! Cookie just letting you know that I noticed YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! :D
  2. B) yup soon to have HURRICANES...our first one is on the way--BIG BERTHA (butt-who remembers that song?)... I'm IN Richard! I hope to deliver some good news from time to time-but first ... some sad news for those who have not been informed...I'm sorry to report. The loss of a dedicated Administrator It is with deep regret, and the saddening of heart, I inform all my readers and supporters of the sudden death of Richard Ray. (Ol? Possum) Richard passed away suddenly on Wednesday 25th June, 2008. From the information I received, his death was caused by heart failure. I only had a conversation with Richard on Monday 23rd June and he was in high spirits and looking forward to the launch of our new program, you can imagine the thunder bolt that hit me on receiving this information. Richard was a very private person and never discussed his private life to any great length with me, however, I do know he had one daughter Christine, whom he was very proud. From the staff at Fairpatton, my readers and supporters and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to express to Christine and any other member of his family, our deepest sympathy and regret of your sudden loss of an outstanding gentleman. I had the privilege of knowing Richard for over five (5) years. He was a person whom I admired and respected. So much so, that when I started my Forum I gave him total control and responsibility. He was a person who suffered fools lightly, and foolish comments even more. I experienced first hand how quickly he could use the delete button. I remember posting on my Forum (at the start of our association) two article concerning persons I would rather forget, however, to Richard?s disgust, the articles did not impress him, so he deleted them, no explanation given. I was soon to realize this man was a person of integrity and principles. If any of my Forum members suffered the same treatment, you did not have it alone, even the owner of the Forum received no special treatment. He also had a generous and warm nature and was always available to assist when it was possible. Nothing ever seemed to be a problem even though his health was poor. The only complaint I ever received was his medication was too expensive. Richard was a reader and contributor of many Forums and topics, his views and opinions were sometimes considered outlandish, yet all who received the wrath of his sharp turn of phrase would have been impressed by his understanding of the English language. Richard, hopefully you are in peace but you have left a legacy behind I will find difficult to replace. A couple of tributes to Richard have arrived in my office, which I would like to share with you all. Ode to OP..... There was an ol' man of the wood, He was kindly, and stood where he STOOD, Never a bad word from his mouth was heard, But HE said plenty when his mood was good!! These are the facts about: "What I Know About Richard Ray" A huge Heart A good Soul He made his life fun...for him! As we all should. So unique, I don't know of anyone that is the least bit like him. And now I learn He is 2 yrs my elder...I wish we spent more time chatting, (and I'll still do just that) ! Farewell My Fine Friend - We'll meet later. Cookie I first met Ol' Possum (Richard Ray) a couple of years ago in Fairpatton's Forum where he was Forum Admin. Very early on I called him Richard, and he said ?Don't call me that only my mother calls me that?, so he is forever in my mind as Possum. Possum would have been one of the nicest people that I have met on the internet and I was totally shocked to hear of his death. He was like a steady rock, I never heard him flustered or angry, he was both generous and kind and had a wicked sense of humour and was a great joke teller. His motto under his avatar was ?If it isn't FUN, you're doing it wrong!? which shows the sort of spirit he had, he suffered from ill health and often struggled to make ends meets, living very simply and often eating baked beans for dinner. He was a very unassuming man with quiet ways, but underneath was so intelligent, he had such a way with words, had radical ideas, firm beliefs and loved to have a good discussion. The only words I can think of to describe Possum would have to be that he was a true gentleman. I can only join in with all his other friends and say that he will be sadly missed. Anne. If any reader would like to express their thoughts, they can send them to me at [email protected] I will have them published and forward them to Richard?s daughter, I am sure she would appreciate your thoughts and hopefully they will help heal the grief she is experiencing at this moment. John McCallum I will make a report on some new sites that are rising stars-they will be low % and long term-but I think at this time in this biz a fair option to losing your money in fast deals! First of which is: http://makingithappenonline.net/?ref=8 second is: http://www.letsretirenow.net/?ref=7 Good Luck and Profit to all!!! Cookie
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