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Everything posted by orni308

  1. Getting reviews of other traders is good, you should try to talk to traders who are trading with the broker at your place, it will give you more precise feed back.
  2. To have a good trading experience you should choose a good broker who provides you different services without any hazzle.
  3. Yeah there are less female traders but their number is increasing as most of the female traders look after the house and its a good opportunity for them earn some money and make use of their free time.
  4. Its not bad actually you are not allowed to withdraw it, but still it increases your capital and there is nothing wrong with that.
  5. You should look out for feedbacks or check in forums about the reviews on the broker, check out for people who are trading with that broker , they are the one who can give you a good feedback.
  6. The pair has seen some bounce as the job numbers in America has been in better shape the pair might be on a bullish trend.
  7. The pair has been down, but there enogh support at this level for the pair, due to which there are chances of it going higher.
  8. The new direct deposit scheme from liteforex will save considerable time in financial transaction, earlier due to third party involvement it takes time and clients have to depend on other agency for withdrawal ad deposits.
  9. Gold has been a n excellent investment physically as well as when its traded, gold has been a bit volatile lately, but still if bought physically its a good investment.
  10. nice to here that you have joined liteforex,i never had issues with them and hope the same for you.....
  11. USDJPY is trading high, if there is a slight pull back its a good buying opportunity,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. well as soon as you make some profit, just book it and get out of the trade dont try to gain more and more....
  13. now deposits can be made from liteforex cards....good news.
  14. the pair seem's to be ready to continue upward trend.........
  15. gold prices has bounces back a bit...........
  16. USDJPY will get very tricky to trade in the coming weeks, i would take a break from this pair........
  17. Thanks for the update....chect out their site for more
  18. liteforex is reimbursing commission from QIWI wallet for its customers....
  19. i ve been trading with liteforex for couple of years....no regrets
  20. too late...think its going to come down a bit...just wait
  21. i think gold still has to reach its bottom most....
  22. does crude market has any effect on USD/CAD........
  23. can anyone guide me .......is it a good time to go for the euro
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