Thank you! My site is, an autosurf site offering 1% for 30 days. I will be adding a referral program as well but that will come once the memberbase grows. I am not new to autosurfing, lost alot from several scammers and have learned many hard lessons in the process. Several people suggested I come back under an alias so people would trust me, but I pride myself on honesty and integrity so decided that was not for me. I am coming back and hope those who trusted me before will give me another chance. My ROA is low because one of the lessons I learned is going with a high ROA is not a site that has any type of future. I do not invest in any other surf sites, that is where I lost before. My investment portfolio will grow as my program grows. Thank you for asking:-) People can check my site out, and sign up- upgrades are manual for now. The site is not completed in its design but can accept new members. Thank you for asking:-)