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James Parker

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About James Parker

  • Birthday 04/08/1962

Profile Information

  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    TV Shopping computers and clicking

James Parker's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Can someone help me to believe this site is true I just need someone to let me know that I have not joined another rip off site it seams to be all I can pick these days almost every site I have joined seam to rip me off or change the way they pay that I am left a little scared to try a new investment site like 10 Dollars Wonder . Let me tell you a short tale of my woe I joined a site called Isabel Marco Money Maker it seamed ok for the first couple of payments then they started to change the way they pay, you now have to wait 50 days and also you have to be an upgraded member my last payment request was made on the 20 September 2008 and I am still waiting to get paid if I wish to get paid I have to upgrade for the third time and I think I would sooner just let it go but it is another 9 Dollars against a payment of over $300 so what would you do I bet the same as I am going to do which is upgrade for another month and wait and see what happens but this is the final dealings I am going to have with this site.
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