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Everything posted by Iolite

  1. Hello Jason: Welcome to CIF Forum. Great to have you here.
  2. Hello Jon: Welcome to CIF Forum.
  3. Hello NeededHope: Welcome aboard the CIF Community. Great to have you here.
  4. Greetings BadLuckMe: Welcome to CIF Forum.
  5. Hello OWL: Warm welcome to CIF Forum. Great to have you here.
  6. I suppose so. Will get used to it. B)
  7. CIF Forum is very slow to load. Each step is very slow - login, posting, opening a thread, replying, etc. At least for me. Is it just a problem on my end ?? I use High Speed, Broad Band ADSL Connection.
  8. Thank you, Admin, for your answer. Very much appreciated. B)
  9. I am so sorry, if I sounded edge; It wasn't intentional, if it came across that way. My sincere apologies to both 'Admin-Mary' and 'JS of 9PlanetReviews'. Iolite.
  10. Apologies, if the following questions have already been answered somewhere in the Forum; I have looked all over the Forum, couldn't find the answers. I have seen one about how to use and insert CIF banners, but it didn't exactly answer the following question: Are ordinary members allowed to insert a Banner in the Signature area, to advertise a program they belong to?? If yes, do you have to pay a fee for this or is it free?? Do you have Fee Paying Categories for Forum Member Supporters - like DTM/MMG Forums?? (CIF Supporter, Lifetime Supporters, etc??) Thank you in advance. Iolite.
  11. I am no expert on HYIPS or Marketing for referrals. But I think you missed one important reason and usefulness of those daily $1-$2 "I got Paid Posts". Those daily paid posts, actually tell members and potential members, that the program is paying regularly, on time, and that it is having no payment problems thus far. Before I put money into a program - mostly long term, low %, daily - weekly paying HYIPS, I usually follow the news of those particular programs on a few News-Blogs, HYIP-Monitors, and Forums I personally trust, for some days. This is done in order to gather info about performance of the programs thus far, whilst doing my own DD. All this helps one decide, about whether to put money in a program or not. The daily payout percentage is usually quiet low, about 1 - 3% daily, in most of the long term HYIPs, hence the actual daily pay is also low 1 - $4 depending on how much you deposited, but of course, if you put in thousands, your pay will reflect the amount you invested. Those miniscule $$ daily pay reports/posts are very important to some of us and I hope people continue posting them. Knowing that an HYIP is paying, as per its investment plans, regularly, on time, is essential and very important information. If you don't like reading those particular 'I got Paid Posts', you could ignore them or just by pass the threads. Thank you. Iolite.
  12. Hi BKeller. Welcome, welcome. B)
  13. Welcome Highmill. Great addition to CIF forum.
  14. Wow: What a great set up you have here. :biggrin(1): It is nice to be one of the Forum Members. Looking forward to contributing to the discussions here. :thumbup(1): Iolite.
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