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About HumpAlber

  • Birthday 05/09/1981

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Property is considered a 'leveraged asset' because unlike stocks and shares, gold, oil etc, purchasers can use finance to purchase a property. This is why the UK property market dipped from 2008-2010 due to the global economic crisis and a sudden restriction of finance which meant that purchasers were either unable to achieve the higher margin of finance or because they were no longer approved for a mortgage. Office Property Investment
  2. HumpAlber welcome on Collective Investments Forum. Nice to have you here with us.

  3. Property is considered a 'leveraged asset' because unlike stocks and shares, gold, oil etc, purchasers can use finance to purchase a property. This is why the UK property market dipped from 2008-2010 due to the global economic crisis and a sudden restriction of finance which meant that purchasers were either unable to achieve the higher margin of finance or because they were no longer approved for a mortgage.
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