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Everything posted by xblackbeardx

  1. all are scams do not believe it doesn't exists
  2. thank y thank you so much you are legend !! works fine now 🙂
  3. thank you so much for all these info and tools am realy glad for help .. i have small issue when i import the file in the software it will show some kind not clear data, i will attach photo for my ascii settengs can you tell me if it is correct one ? becose the chart looks not same like yours very clear also i used same file you sent me .. thanks again for your help
  4. thank you for reply .. and yes I'm interested also can you attach for me the formula i mean inside the output csv file can you show me screenshot .. cuz i have build python code to get daily and weekly data by using yahoo finance api but i want to know how advanced get sofware can be able to read hourly charts so i can understand the concepts and thank you in advance.
  5. can you please help me to upload 1 hour chart into advanced get ? i only made it for daily and weekly and thank you in advance my email [email protected]
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