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Everything posted by Lunatic

  1. Got the solution through this link: https://stooq.com/db/i/
  2. How to import Metastock data to OmniTrader 2024?
  3. Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your help..
  4. I'm looking for Omnitrder software.. It will be great help if you can send me the link.. Best regards
  5. some of sentient tutorials and Hurst Cycle from Hurst Cycle Academy https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hcu72mfmwyqnqo5/AABzcnmX8elZ1qsqf4_3Ziria?dl=0 https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B4SYLoldljxAenBod1JwZEwxaFU https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Ace46c677-fd7f-4fe6-a432-c14b5ea7e7cb#pageNum=1 Pls reupload above files... Thanks in advance
  6. Please reupload this software "Sentient Trader".. Thanks in advance
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