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Posts posted by cotton1234

  1. Hello,


    Following are the steps to install the same successfully.


    1) Disable the internet on the machine

    2) change the host file as documented in the read me.

    3) Install the setup which is included in the zip file. Dont Download the new one.

    4) Follow the readme file instruction in step 2. Use can use %appdata% on the command promt to go the folder mentioned.

    5) Follow the readme file instruction in step 3.

    6) Now check if any port 80 is in use. (netstat -nao | find ":80")

    7) if nothing comes in the previous output, then you are good otherwise you need to kill the pid (taskkill /PID <Output in the last column of the previous command> /F)

    8) Once nothing comes in step 6 we are good to go next

    9) Run VFA Tools and click start

    10) Check (netstat -nao | find ":80") . YOu will have 1 process now.

    11) Enable the internet.

    12) Start the optuma and use the login as mentioned in readme file instruction.





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