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Posts posted by StartSmall

  1. Hello guys ,so short story a (not so close) friend of mine , full time trader successful he claims , but anyway he recommend me to read kewltech blog on price action etc.

    UNfortunately after investigation it seems it's a private one and I can't enter. But after some controversial things I found I think trader sumo course speaks all about the same as him . I mean I don't know who stole from who but does someone have his course?

    Thanks for your time

  2. Hello guys! I just wanted to share my story in hopes to get some help. Found out about trading 2,5 years ago. I loved it. Got obsesed with it. The first thing caught my attention was al brooks courses. After this started reading extensive about supply and demand trading etc. But still guys it seems i aint seeing the light at the end of tunnel! I am at best a f@@king break even trader. Any advises are welcome ( of course not to stop trading cause its my life)!!
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