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About subterguge

  • Birthday 11/17/1980

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  1. is there a way to show data for this indicator in the 'data box' on ninjatrader?
  2. Anyone got the jigsaw stuff (the orderbook and the charts) that can be used with regular NT8? (or maybe it only works on the cracked version? I used to have a working version back when i had cracked ninja but only use a regular version of ninja since the update a year or so back)
  3. hiya. I wonder if anyone else has an issue with the newer/updated TDU in that the 'data box' feature of ninjatrader doesn't seem to work? As if maybe the newer version was coded in a way that NT can't detect the indicators on the databox (right click on chart adn click 'data box') whereas on the older version, it worked? (meaning you could make alerts and stuff from the indicator?) anyone else?
  4. no. the REQ means i'm requesting if anyone has it to share
  5. Anyone have this to share out of interest? https://launchpass.com/pablo-s-order...ng/baby-trader
  6. https://launchpass.com/pablo-s-orderflow-trading/baby-trader
  7. all links dead. Anyone have any current ones? I want to check out his video course. regards
  8. Thanks. Done that. We'll see. Although this appears to be a pretty dead forum - Do you happen to know of any forums like this (same idea of sharing paid indicaors and courses etc) but that are actually active? Cheers
  9. Anyone happen to have this to share? I was gonna just buy it from one of them sites that sell courses for cheap (obviously not directly from stocklocktrading) but thought it was worth checking here first
  10. I'll assume that means nobody has it to share. So next question, is it safe to order from teh various sites who sell cheap courses? (bestcoursesdl etc etc) - Never used them before. Any recommendations?
  11. I'll assume that means nobody has it to share. So next question, is it safe to order from teh various sites who sell cheap courses? (bestcoursesdl etc etc) - Never used them before. Any recommendations?
  12. Anyone happen to have this to share? I was gonna just buy it from one of them sites that sell courses for cheap (obviously not directly from stocklocktrading) but thought it was worth checking here first
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