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⭐ V.I.P.
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Everything posted by epictetus

  1. I bought a product from this guy before. When my computer's information changed after the format, he didn't even respond to me, let alone give me a new license. I think you should think twice before buying something from this guy.
  2. Have you made any progress for this indicator?
  3. Thanks for sharing. I couldn't download from the link. Can you upload it somewhere else?
  4. I would be very happy if you share what you have.
  5. I need Trade The Plan training videos. I would be very happy if you share what you have.
  6. https://orderflow@[email protected]/ I would love it if the owner shares their courses.
  7. I would be very happy if the owner of this course shares https://courses.marketcalls.in/p/practical-approach-to-amibroker-afl-coding
  8. https://www.quantower.com/ Volume analysis program has a wide variety of connection tools. You can use many adapters, from Metastock xenith to Tradingview. It also supports almost all cryptocurrency exchanges. I would appreciate it if you share its broken state.
  9. https://www.dynamictraders.com/dt-software-2/ I would be very happy if he shares this software.
  10. Does anyone have weis wave written for metastock? It would be great.
  11. In cryptocurrency, I think not long-term but short-term daily trades bring good profit. Keeping it in the long run is very risky. You will see that your money has fallen too much. NinjaTrader 8 offers great possibilities but we are having trouble with live data.
  12. Hello, a program that can find harmonic patterns in a very accurate and high quality way. They have one month free trials. If anyone has a broken hand, can you share it? Offical Site: https://www.harmonicpatterncollection.com/ I need one for metatrader 5. Thanks.
  13. Hello friends, here is a plugin where we can use binance site live data on Ninja Trader 8 platform, and we can operate on Ninja Trader 8. It is free for 14 days and has a day limit. It would be great if crack can be done. Bin@nce Futur@s : http://www.mediafire.com/file/gfmce4fntpp8ry6/BinancePlusDemoStart.zip Bin@nce Sp@t : http://www.mediafire.com/file/qc5xvjjb4tpfsyf/BinanceDemoStart.zip
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