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⭐ V.I.P.
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Everything posted by Yozhig

  1. I don't see how merging with the TGF forum will benefit the users of this forum. Any merger involves changes, and not all of them will be positive. In this case, there's a high probability that sections with literature and courses will be closed. Is that the price we have to pay for a merger? Besides, what's stopping people from simply going and registering on the TGF forum if it's so great?
  2. Does anyone have a new version of Amibroker? Or everybody lost any interest in this program?
  3. I would like to request an upgrade to VIP membership status on the forum. My 5 year anniversary as a forum member will be reached in August, which I understand is one of the conditions for obtaining VIP status. Although I have not been an extremely active member, having VIP membership would allow me to better experience and contribute to the community. I appreciate your consideration of providing me with the additional privileges of a VIP member. Thank you!
  4. He couldn't even make up original name for his course. I can only imagine what **** this really is.
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